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Rosaline spread the news in the whole Verona..

She pretend that she accept Romeo and Juliet's affair, they're wrong, she didn't.she would never.

"What mine is mine. And Romeo is mine."

"Your insane." Paris said.

"Oh don't be such a fool, Paris."

"We aren't the same, you know?"

"Should I believe you for saying that?"

"I know you won't"

"Yea, right. I know you admire Juliet and good thing your parent and hers arrange you for a marriage."

"I am so glad" Paris smiled widely.

"Oh, Paris don't be for know."

"Why?" *kunot noo*

"I see..you don't know it and you have to."

"Know what?"

"That Romeo of Montague and your Juliet has a realationship."

"What the?!is that true?!" His eyes widened.

"Would I told if it isn't true?" She rolled her eyes.

"So..what do you want us to do?I know that there's a plan circulating in your little bitchy brain"

"You know me that well, huh?"he nodded. '"Oh well, Paris. I want you to marry her a soon as possible."

"By hook or by crook." Paris added.

Rosaline stated to Paris what are the plan inside her brain.

"So are you in?" She asure him.


*At the Woods*

Juliet received a letter today in the morning...from..Romeo.

Her eyes delightened in so much happiness.


   Hi, my sweet. Goodmorning. I hope you'd receive this letter. I want you go before this lunch at the woods, I'll expect you to come.


"Ofcourse, I'll go."

She didn't bother to go to the Painted lake 'cause as Romeo said in the letter they will meet at the woods later.

It's time. Juliet wear a simple white dress and go to tge woods.

She just escaped. She used the excused of going to Nurse's clinic.

She was grounded because her parents already knew about her relationship with Romeo.

*In the Painted lake*

Romeo was waiting there three hours now.

"Is she coming?"he sighed.

Romeo thinked that Juliet isn't coming anymore..may be she can't escape from their palace.

He leave the lake and went to where he usually go when he felt alone.the woods.

He is now inside the woods. There is an abandoned small house where he stays at the moment like this.

"What was that?" He asked himself. He heard someone groaning.

He followed the sound and he's shocked on what he saw.

*At the woods*

Juliet was walking and she reached this small house in the middle of the woods.

She stayed there until she heard foot steps. To the thpught that it was Romeo, she immediately opened the door.

"Paris.." She whispered.

"Hi, my sweet" an evil smiled formed on his lips.

"Y-you are t-the.."

"The letter?yes. I was the one who wrote that."

"Oh god."she's scared.

"Yes, oh god." He repeated.

"What do you want from me?"

"Not what it's a who." Paris looks evil.

"A who?"

"Yes. And It's you."


"I want us to get married as soon as possible."

"No.Never.The wedding is not going to happen Paris." She gritted her teeth.

"Want me to force you?"

"No need for that. I already made up my mind, so what's the sense of forcing me?"

"Wheter you like it or not, I'll marry you and you will marry me..my sweet." Paris take a step to her and she moved back..

And again...

And again...

He pinned her at the wall.

"Go away from me!!" She pushed Paris but he was too strong.

He leaned on her and kissed her torridly. "Marry me." He groaned.

She gathered all of her strength and pushed Paris away when he saw Romeo's shocked face. "Let go of me!"

She followed Romeo.. "Oh shit! My Romeo!"

ROMEO&JULIET[Revised Version]Where stories live. Discover now