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Romeo and Juliet planned a secret wedding. And the witnesses of their marriage, they have the Nurse and Benvolio.

And now they're here. Benvolio invited a lawyer to lead the ceremony and to make it legal.

The lawyer placed a paper in front of them-a marriage certificate-that they will signed later.

Romeo placed their wedding ring on the left ring finger of Juliet and state his vow. "Before I met you I thought I already found someone whom I'll love forever, and that is Rosaline, But the moment my eyes laid on you everything changed. I forgot her, I become rude infront of her. I become who I am today because of you, believe me didn't do any single thing I did for you to her that's why the moment I saw you and Paris at the small house in the woods-where I go when I felt alone-I felt like dying, I love you so much and I don't want to lose you and that time I'm scared that he might still your heart. I'm sorry if I leave you there, I am an idiot. Now, my  Lady, I wanted to call you my mine and mine alone. I vow to be beside you everytime. I vow to protect you from any harm. I vow not to cheat on you. I vow to respect each and every decision that you'll make now and to the near future. I vow to make you laugh everytime your sad. I vow to pleased you when your mad. I vow to fight for you. I vow not to leave you again. I won't promise anything, I'll do it instead. I love you and I always will."

Juliet cried in so much happiness on what she just heard from a man she love. "And oh wait stop crying. I'll add not to make you cry again on my vow"

Juliet laughed softly. She put the ring also on left ring finger of Romeo.
"I grown up that I always have to follow my parents because they told me they know everything, that's why when they arranged me for a marriage with Paris, I don't have choice than to say yes. My thought that they knew everything faded away when I met you, they were wrong they didn't knew everything, specially the meaning of the word LOVE. All they knew  about love were Power, Legacy and themselves. Selfishness is what they are. It's time for me to be selfish about myself to, for us. I love you, Romeo. It is my privilage to be called yours and you're mine. I vow to join your fights to all againts us. I vow to take care of you. I vow not to do something unlaw again. I vow to be a better wife and a mother to other child in future. I vow to make you happy. I vow not to leave you no matter what happen. I vow to be faithful. I vow to love you forever and prove that it exist. I love you.

After they cried in joy the lawyer announce. "I now pronounce you man and wife."

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