chapter 32

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-----------Sophia's p.o.v.-----------

It's been a week and my nose and eyes are a lot les blue and my nose isn't swolen anymore. I slept at the sidemen house for 1 night. I slept in Vik's room and let me tell you, I've never slept better. The next day I went home because I had some stuff to do. I've been busy with Youtube and so has Vik. We haven't seen each other this week but we have texted and called a lot. It's just work got in the way and that's no problem, we can't always be with each other.

Thanks to the sidemen I grew a lot and I even have some managment companies wanting to sign me but I am not sure about that.

But to  the point, today I'm going to the sidemen house to surprise the guys. Only Simon knows because he actually wants to play a prank on the guys. I'm always up for a prank. So I grab my car and drive to the sidemen house, parking it next to Simon's landrover. (I know he has a different car now but this is earlier in time.) I give Simon a text that I have arrived and the frontdoor opens quickly after. ''Okay so Vik and Josh are recording upstairs. JJ is difficult, he is downstairs in the kitchen so we have to get you upstairs without seeing you.''

-----------Simon's p.o.v.---------

''Okay so Vik and Josh are recording upstairs. JJ is difficult, he is downstairs in the kitchen so we have to get you upstairs without seeing you.'' I tell Sophia. She nods and we softly walk into the house. What she doesn't know is that Vik is in on this, he has a little surprise for her and she doesn't know. But first, we're gonna prank JJ and Josh because why not. As we walk into my room without being seen I introduce Sophia to Jordz. ''Jordz this is Vik's lover so no need to try. Sophia this is Jordz he helps us film the prank okay?'' She nods.

''What are we going to do?'' she asks. ''Well, Josh and Vik are quite easy'' I say as I pull out some eggs. ''but JJ will definetly run if we do that so I got this big box.'' She looks suspicious at me. ''Let me guess, I have to get in there?'' I chuckle ''well I aint gonna fit am I?'' We decide to prank Josh first so he can help with the prank on JJ. As I cracked open his door I saw he was streaming what made it even better. (sorry don't really watch Josh so don't know if he really streams and stuff) We slowly walk up to him and both hit 1 egg on his head at the same time making us 3 laugh and Josh scream ''Did you bloody have to do that while I stream? Seriously Simon?'' And then he grabed Sophia and started tickling her. I look at the commonts on the screen ''MiniSophia?'' ''I ship it'' ''I still ship sickstar123'' I started laughing ''Sophia, they are shipping us, time to leave.'' I  grab her arm and run away.

It took us half an hour but finally I was able to wrap the 'present' for JJ with Sophia in there. The box is really huge. I think even I would fit in there. She has a stuffed animal in her arms because she had a plan. I yell for JJ and he walks in looking suspicious at the box. ''I'm sorry I'm not that good at wrapping but happy early birthday.'' He gives me a look at hits the box once ''are you serious?'' he asks. ''yes ofcourse, you're a great friend you deserve a big present.'' He slowly starts unpacking the box and I cough once making Sophia jump up making JJ faling over ''I brought your present JJ'' She says very inocent. He scoffs ''I hate you people'' he yells as he walks out, clearly not amused. We are both laughing as Jordz is still filming also slightly laughing. Time for Vik's big surprise.

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