Chapter 33

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Jinyoung's POV

I can't help my self but to force Daehwi in making love with me. I can see that he wants m to stop but my body doesn't want to. Maybe it because of the alcohol. I'm not really a big drinker but I got curious if I can finish 2 bottles in a row. I ended up finishing 3 bottles. I kept on kissing Daehwi all over his body, neck and face. I removed my shirt because I feel really hot, and proceeded on kissing Daehwi again. Suddenly...


We both looked near the door where the voice came from.

"Eo-eomma!" I stuttered

My mom came. I immediately wore back my shirt and apologized to her.

"I-I can explain. D-daehwi didn't do anything. It's all my f-fault." I knelt down apologizing to my mom.

"Young man, Daehwi, right? I think you should leave"

"I..I'm sorry for what happened ma'am" Daehwi apologized

"! It's my fault you don't have to apologize, please!" I begged Daehwi

"I changed my mind. Jinyoung go up to your room. Daehwi, I need to talk to you"

"Y-yes ma'am" Daehwi agreed

"W-wait! Why can't I join you two?" I demended

"Jinyoung! Do what I said!" My mom is really scary right now

"Go. Please." Daehwi gave me a small smile

I held Daehwi's hand but he immediately removed it

"Go to your room" He gave me another smile.

I started walking, going to my room while still looking at them. I saw them entering my mom's office. Too bad that room is sound proof, I won't be able to hear what they're talking about.

I went up to my room and texted Daehwi.

"Please tell me you're okay. I love you so much! No matter what happen. Please send me a message as soon as you're done, okay?"

I sat down in my bed waiting for his response.

Daehwi's POV

I followed Jinyoung's mom and we ended up in this huge room with lots of books, files and documents. I guess this is her office. Her office is just as big as my whole apartment.

"So.. Daehwi? Daehwi, right?" she asked

"Y-yes ma'am" I waited for her next question.

"What's up with you and my son?" She asked

"Uhm.. We are.. Uhm... we... we... Uhm... we're.." words couldn't escape out of my mouth

"Are you two together?" she asked

I was silent. There was a few second of complete silence before Jinyoung's mom said something again

"You do know right know that if what I am suspecting is true, I am against it, right?" she said

"Y-Yes ma'am" I agreed in defeat

"What does your parents do?" she asked

I almost cried at her question but I tried my best not to.

"T-they died a few year ago."

"Sorry to hear that. Then who are you with?" she asked

"My aunt takes care of me."

"And what does she do? She's a maid at the Park's Residence"

"You're not even rich. How did you meet my son?"

"I-I also go to his school ma'am"

"So you're smart, ey? Poor boy enrolled in an exclusive school. I see."

I was still silent. Her words didn't hurt me since it's true. I can see that Jinyoung's mom is really smart too.

"Do you love my son?"

"Y-yes ma'am!" I quickly answered

"No you can't!" he said without any doubt

I was shocked

"How much?"

"W-what do you mean ma'am?" I asked her in confusion

"How much do you need in order to leave Jinyoung?"

"P-please let me stay with him."

"No you can't. Can't you see? I don't like my son being gay. I thought you're smart!? How come you don't get what I'm saying right now?"

"I.. I can't leave Jinyoung, ma'am. Aside from my aunt, he's all that I got."

"Fine! You can stay with him. But..."

"Yes ma'am? I'll do anything"

"I'll tell Mrs. Park to fire your aunt. As a shareholder of your school, I'll remove your scholarship. And I'll kick Jinyoung out of this house."

"N-no, ma'am please!"

"Choose now! I'll give you 5 minutes to decide."

"I don't need 5 minutes ma'am. I will leave Jinyoung. Just please don't kick him out of this house and don't fire my auntie. I will leave my school so that Jinyoung won't see me everyday. I promise. Please don't made Jinyoung's life miserable. I'll do everything you want ma'am"

I saw a smirk formed in her lips.

"You're so easy to talk to. I'll recommend you to another exclusive school in Jeju Island so that you can still continue studying. I'll be quite nice to you since you're quite easy to talk to. I'll also give you a place to stay there so you don't have to worry."

"Yes ma'am. I'll do anything."

"Do you have a phone?" she asked

"Y-yes ma'am."

"You'll be leaving tomorrow afternoon. Before leaving. Give me your phone. Don't worry I'll give you a new one. Make sure you don't have Jinyoung's number. Don't bother memorizing his number. I'll change his number starting tomorrow."


"What is it?"

"Can I have a small favor?"

"Say it"

"Can I spend the night with Jinyoung? I promise to leave before he wakes up"

"Ughhh. Fine! Make sure to leave before 6am tomorrow. I'll ask the drier to drive you on your way home."

"T-thank you ma'am."

A tear fell after saying those words. I accepted her conditions. I mean I gave up on Jinyoung. That's the last thing that would ever come to my mind. But now, it's already happening.

I quietly went upstairs and stood infront of Jinyoung's door. I took a deep breath, wiped my tears and palced a smile on my face.

I knocked on his door and waited for him to open it.

As soon as he opened the door, he gave me a big smile and hugged me tight.

"What happened? I was so happy seeing you smiling" he cheered

"Don't worry. I already told your mom everything, she let me stay with you for the night" I told him, feeling guilty with the 'Don't worry' part

"It's okay with her?" he looked at me with disbelief

"Yeah. It's okay for me to stay the night."

"Really? That's great!"

He pulled me on his bed and gave me a back hug. I turned around, facing him and hugged him back.

"You know that I love you, right?" I told him

"Of course I do. I love you too. So much!"

"I'll really do anything just for you to be okay. Remember that" I told him

"Aww. My baby is so cute! Of course I will. Trust me. I'll do everithing just to make you happy and to protect you"

He kissed me on my forehead. I was about to cry that moment but I managed to prevent tears from falling

"Let's sleep. I felt tired of everything that happened" Jinyoung said

"Y-yeah! Me too. Goodnight, my love." I told him

"You become extra sweet today, huh? Goodnight, my love." He told me ang placed a peck on my lips.

He hugged me tighter until he fell asleep.

I decided to cherish this few hours left with Jinyoung. I felt guilty since I know he will be miserable after waking up and not seeing me. But this is for my own good, for his own good and for my aunt. I took out my phone and set the alarm to 5:45am. I don't mind setting the alarm since I know that Jinyoung is a heavy sleeper and he won't wake up in a simple alarm. I closed my eyes and enjoyed every single minute that's left for me to be with Jinyoung.

(JinHwi | PanWink) Started with a DareWhere stories live. Discover now