Chapter 44

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Daehwi's POV

After a short drive, we arrived at the grocery.

"What do you need, hyung?"

"The café run out of strawberries and blueberries. Someone bought 3 whole cakes each of Strawberry Shortcake and Blueberry Cheesecake."

"No doubt. Your café serves the best desserts. Even coffees"

"Stop it, I'm blushing!" Minhyun hyung joked.

"Hahaha. Really! The starberry shortcake that you gave me the first time as really good."

"Because the cake s made with love."

"That's too cheesy, hyung!"

"You should get used to it, I'm telling you."

"Hahaha fine"

"By the way is it okay if we buy a few more ingredients. Don't worry, I'll carry the heavy ones"

"No need to worry hyung. I'm fine with it. Besides, we'll be riding your car. We only have to carry it for a short while"

"Well, you got a point. Let's go?"


Minhyun hyung grabbed my hand and we walked inside the grocery. I was a bit shocked with his action but I decided not to remove my hands since he might get embarrassed and it might make the mood awkward.

Instead of grabbing a cart, Minhyun hyung grabbed a basket.

"Why don't you get the cart instead. It might be heavy later on."

"I can handle it. I'm already carry my world on my other hand." He tighted his grip on my hand

"Ohhh. It's too cheesy to handle! Hahahaha" The both of us laughed

"Stop laughing! Hahaha" he removed his grip from my hand and grabbed a cart instead of a basket

"Sorry, you might felt a bit uncomfortable. I couldn't help myself from holding you though."

"Oh not at all hyung. Don't worry"

"Good then. Hyung is a bit clingy."

"Hahahaha. So where do we start?"

"Let's go for the dry ingredients first then let's proceed to the frozen section"


Jinyoung's POV

As we arrive in Jeju a cab was there to fetch us. Kyulkyung flt a little dizzy during the trip so we decided to fond the nearest pharmacy in the airport. We arrived at our hotel after buying some medicine. I walked Kyulkyung to her room. My mom sent me a message on where Daehwi is living and some detaild on what Daehwi is doing for a living. I read that he's working in a restaurant a few minutes away from here and lives at a space beside the restaurant. I asked Kyulkyung if she wanted to come with me and eat at the restaurant and she agreed.

"Take a rest first, Jihoon told me that it's a great restaurant. I'll go grab some food at the grocery. I'll be back in a few minutes"

"Okay. Thank you. Take care Jinyoung"

"Call me if you need anything"

"Okay, thank you" she gave me a faint smile and took a rest

I called a cab to take me to the mearest grocery store. I tried calling Daehwi's number but no one's answering the call

After arriving at the grocery store, I started getting some snacks and food that we could cook in our hotel room. As I was roaming around the store, I can here Daehwi's voice but I'm not quite sure if I'm just hearing things or not. Since everytime that I'll look at where the voice is coming from, there is nobody in that area.

I went on the frozen section of the store and bought some strawberries. I really love strawberries and decided to get lots of these. There are only three packs of frozen strawberries available and I decided to get them all. While I was looking for more food at the frozen, I heard a familiar voice again.

"Uhm, excuse me. Where can I find some strawberries and blueberries?"

"Frozen fruits can be found at the end part of frozen section while the fresh fruits are at the other side" the attendant told him

I got curious and checked who that voice belong to, but he was gone again. I decided to go the the other side and follow him. He's a bit far but he's about the figure on Daehwi. I kept on following him and saw that it really is Daehwi. My heart beats very fast. I don't know what to do. I don't even know what to say. As I was about to go near him, a guy suddenly placed his arms over Daehwi's shoulders and showed him something that made Daehwi laugh. I admit, I felt really jealous but I kept in mind that the guy might just be his friend.

I decided to follow them silently.

They were about to pay at the counter. I still haven't got some food that I could cook later. I quickly grabbed anything that might be used and went to the counter to pay. Luckily, they're still there. When they were about to leave, the guy picked up all the bags. I saw Daehwi complaining. Then the guy suddenly held Daehwi's hands. I saw a shocked face from Daehwi and I got triggered.

"Daehwi!" I shouted

The both of them looked at me.
I ran near them and grabbed Daehwi's arm and pulled him outside.

"J-Jinyoung. Why are you here?"

"Let's talk please. I came here just to find you. I missed you so much." I hugged him tight and tried to kiss him, but he rejected it, It lightly pushed me away and it made me confused.

"What's the problem?"

"Jinyoung, please don't make it hard for me. It will make it hard for me to move forward if you do this. I know that you're already in a good place without me there and with your girlfriend. I'm happy here. I don't want to go back to Seoul. I want to live a new life here. Please don't bother me anymore. Please don't come back. Enjoy your new life without me. I'm no good for you. Your mother is right. It is better for you to marry a rich and beautiful lady. Remember one time when you told me that you wanted to have children, it's possible now right? And besides, even though I received a message from your mom just recently, I started to accept the fact that I can't be with you anymore."

"Daehwi, your misunderstanding things. Please listen to me first. I don't have gir-" I was cut by a sudden phone call, it was Kyulkyung. I immediately answered the phone since something bad might happen to her.

"Hello Kyulkyung? What happened? Are you okay?"

"I feel so dizzy. Can you come pick me up and take me to a hospital?"

"Okay. I'll be right there. I'll call the hotel staff to come pick you up and wait for me at the lobby. I'll take you to the hispital"

I ended the call

"So she's Kyulkyung?"

"Daehwi, she's not my girlfriend."

"Oh really? Maybe she's not your girlfriend because she's already your fiancee?"

"Daehwi. Plese listen."

"Jinyoung. Please! Don't ever come back. I want to live a peaceful life. If you'll come back here, your mom will surely know. My life will be affected, your life will be affected and even my aunt's life will be affected. Now please, go to your girlfriend. She seemed to really need your help right now"

"Daehwi please. Can we just talk this out. I need to explain things. I'm the one texting you before. I'll send you a message later. Let's meet anywhere near your place. Please?"

"Jinyoung..." I can see tears from his eyes. I know that he still loves me. I know that he wants this"

"Please? Just once. Please give me a chance to explain."

"Okay." He said in a faint tone. A simple okay is all I need from him.

"I need to go now. My friend is not feling well. I need to take her to the hospital." I hugged him but he didn't hugged me back

I went out to grab a new cab. As the car was about to leave, I saw Daehwi, crying mhile hugging the guy that he was woth a while ago. The guy was wiping the tears away from Daehwi's eyes and kissed his forehead. I felt a huge pang on my heart. It really hurts seeing the scene. I'm starting to think that Daehwi might have started a relationship with someone. And it is all my mom's fault. I can't believe that she did all these just to make me and Daehwi suffer. Please hang on tight Daehwi. I'll do my best to bring back the old us.


Author's note

Sorry guys. It was my exam week this week and it just ended. I'll be giving more updates on the following days, don't worry. I hope you enjoyed this short chapter 

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