Chapter Three: Sam

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The next day was quite eventful. Actually got to the bus this time, which was a plus. I distinctively remembered the bus driver giving me a grunt as I walked on, like, "the fuck are you doing here?" Whatever. I took a seat at the back of the bus. Jason would be driving in his own car, but I didn't want to be a bother and ask for another ride to school, so the school bus would have to do. I sat in the window seat, my head leaning against the cold glass and looking out the window at the seemingly normal world just speeding by. A still world, not going anywhere. But I was surprised when the bus took a stop that it had never taken before. We had pulled around to the side of town, which usually means that we are about halfway through our usual drive to the school. I picked my head up and looked towards the door, which then in turn swung open to allow a red fox fur walk onto the bus. I watched as he scanned up and down each row of seats, walking down the isle. Mind you I have never seen this fur before, and I was the only one who was phased about the foreigner on the bus. But then both him and I noticed something at the same time, the seat I was sitting in had the only available space. I didn't want to rub off as weird, so I quickly looked down in front of me and allowed him to sit next to me. The first thing that I noticed about the new fur was his scent. He smelled of cologne, but not some disgusting overpowering cologne, more of a subtle, nice, scent. The next thing that I noticed was from my eyes. The side of my vision to be precise. He was looking at me. I looked up and met his gaze.

"Hi." I said timidly.

"Hi." He said back, his voice being smooth and calm. "The name's Sam. He continued.

"I'm Evan." I replied. We spend the remainder of the bus ride to school talking about our lives. I learned that he plays baseball and has a sister named Megan.

"So what about you?" He asked.

"Me?" I asked in return.

"No, the window." He said in a straight face that just screamed hard sarcasm.

"Har har. Well there's nothing really special. I live with my dad, have a friend named Jason, and I like to play the saxophone."

"Sax huh? I've always wanted to learn how to play an instrument, that sounds kind of cool." He said.

"Yeah, it's a lot of fun. I'm the saxophone section leader in the band." I responded, just as the bus pulled up in front of the sidewalk and doors where we go into the building.

"Well I'll see you later Evan, nice meeting ya." He said as everyone got up to get off of the bus. A couple furs were staring at us, two even whispering back and forth to each other as if they thought that I couldn't see them. But Sam remained oblivious, too excited to begin life at a new school and was bouncing on his toes while waiting to get off of the bus.



I was happy. Happy for multiple reasons; I was heading to one of the most prestigeous high schools for baseball and softball in the state, and two because I had already made my first friend here, Evan. Finally I had made it to the front of the bus and out of the door, speedwalking into the school. However the universe had different plans for me, because when I stepped inside I didn't make it fifteen feet into the building before I was stopped by someone. A blue jaguar stood before me.

"Hey, you new here?" He asked me.

"Yeah, hi. My name's Sam." I replied.

"I'm Elliot. So I saw that you were talking to Evan on the bus earlier." He said back.

"Yeah?" I was a bit confused where he was going with this conversation.

"I'd avoid him if I were you." He said. This only confused me more, I mean why would I want to avoid him? He seems nice so far. He leaned in and whispered something into my ear. Something horrible.



I had to make sure that the little fag didn't get a new friend, especially a new kid, they are always so impressionable. So I had to make something up really fast on the spot to turn Sam away from him, so I told one of the worst lies ever. I do have to say, I've outdone myself this time.

"Oh Jeez!" Sam exclaimed, stepping back in shock.

"Yeah, pretty dark stuff." I said, trying to put on the best honesty face as possible. I then pointed him down a hallway to where his first period class was after he asked and went on my merry way. My work here, is complete.

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