Chapter Eleven: The Hook

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For the rest of that day Hunter and I went all over town. The roads were mainly quiet because everyone was either at school or at work, so I would be lying if I said that we didn't speed just a little bit. First stop he took me was the ice cream parlor, where we both hot huge ice cream cones and sat at a wooden picnic table enjoying them. Next he suggested that we go back to his place for a little bit, which I happily agreed to doing. And so about five minutes later the both of us were pulling a repeat of the last time I came over, sneaking in through the back door. Although fortunately there was no Elliot and his gang to disturb us.

We made our way upstairs, passing by his living room and kitchen to get to the stairwell. When we got to his room Hunter walked in first, plopping face down onto his bed. Almost as if he could sense me standing there akwardly, which I was because I dodn't know what to do, he called out to me.

"You know thif if a yuge freaking bed ight?" His muffled voice asked through the blankets. He lifted his head up, looking at the wall. "You can sit here, or faceplant, whichever you choose. I don't bite...usually." he chuckled, sitting himself up and leaning against the wall behind him. I laughed a little bit before sitting down next to him, resting my paws on my lap. "So what do you want to do Evan?" He asked me.

"No idea, what do you have?" I asked back, looking around aimlessly.

"Well, I have this," he started, pointing to the TV, "I have a pool out back, but that desperately needs to be cleaned out and fitered. Um...I have an air hockey table in the basement, I have a-"

"Wait, did you say air hockey?" I asked cutting him off.

"Possibly." He responded, grinning.

"That one. Now. Please." I said, bouncing up and down on the bed. "I am the KING of air hockey.

"Okay then, let's put that claim to the test. Follow me." He said, standing up from the bed and leading me back downstairs. We looped through the house and into the kitchen to get to the basememt door, and decended into the cave. And the "cave" was actually a really cool finished basement, complete with a flatscreen TV mounted to the wall, beanbag chairs, a spare bed, and of course, an air hockey table.

"Oooh bitch you're going down!" I yelled out to Hunter in excitement, running over to the air hockey table and caressing it with my paw.

"Yeah yeah, we'll see about that. Here, catch." He said, tossing a [It's actually called this, I looked it up, it's the thingy that you hit the puck with :/] mallet over to me. I barely caught it, fumbling with it for a second before maintaining control. "You okay over there?" Hunter asked me, laughing.

"Ey! You caught me off guard, don't laugh." I mumbled back.

"Oh it's okay lil' woofer, now let's see if you really are this 'king of air hockey' you claim to be." He challenged, smirking as he pressed a button on the side, causing the motor to whir and the air to start. He slapped the puck to me and I quickly deflected it, he hit it back, yadayadayada, you guys would be bored if I explained all of it to you. Essentially we continued on and on until it was down to the wire, the whole fate of my self-acclaimed title rested upon this moment. I was in possession of the puck, I hit it towards him, it barely missed his defense of his goal. "AND I WINNNNNNNN!!!!" I shouted in triumph, running small circles around my side of the table.

"I told you! I am the KING of air hockey!" I victoriously taunted.

"Yeah yeah, your majesty, could I interest you in going to the movies?" He asked, doing his best to fake a British accent.

"Yes you could." I replied, trying to speak just like the queen.

"Good, then grab whatever you brought with you and let's go, we only have three hours before your father expects you to come home." He said.

"Ugh, don't remind me, tonight is going to be my own little waking hell." I groaned, slipping the shoes I had kicked off earlier back on and following Hunter back up the stairs and to his car. "So what movie are we going to see?" I asked, Hunter starting to drive away.

"No idea, what do you think?" He asked back.

"Well I'd have no way at all of knowing what's out right now, so it's all up to you Hunter." I replied.

"Okay." He said. Maybe fifteen minutes later we were pulling into a plaza with a rather large movie theater, and when we got inside all of the nostalgic smells and sounds hit me like a brick wall, causing me to falter and stop for a second. "You all right?" Hunter asked, seeming concerned why I just stopped in the middle of a movie theater. I took a moment before answerinf him.

"Yeah, sorry. I've just not been in one of these for years." I responded, walking again, causing him to laugh a little bit.

A huge bag of popcorn and five minutes later we were sitting in the top seats of the theater. We saw some movie about aliens coming to Earth, but it was actually really good and scary, unlike so many others. And I was happy as we were walking out, but one dark thought was still looming over my mind. My father. But whatever, always live in the moment...I guess.

"Thanks for taking me to the movies Hunter," I said, "as well as everything else. It means more to me than you could ever imagine."

"Any time man, now good luck in there." He said, stopping his car in front of my house. I got out and walked as slowly as I could to the front door. I opened it and as quietly as I could walked inside, sofly clicking the door shut behind me. I was hoping that I would just be able to sneak off to my bedroom and avoid my father all together, but that was not meant to be.

"Evan Black get in here!" My father bellowed from the living room. Gulping, I treaded into the living room where my father sat in an arm chair facing the TV. He turned to me sneering. "The school called today." He said. Oh great, now I'm really boned [Badumtss]. "What do you have to say for yourself."

"I-I..." I stuttered, realizing that I should have planned out whaf I was going to say to him beforehand.

"Fuck explaining. Did. You. Win. The damned school wouldn't tell me." He interjected.


"Did. You. Win. Or. Not. That fucking simple. Knowing you, you probably ran away like a little faggot." He sneered at me. That made me break.

"You know what? Yeah. I fucking beat the shit out of that asshole. Knocked him the fuck to sleep! And I'd do it again!" I shouted. My sudden outburst seemed to catch my father off guard, but he didn't get angry like I had expected.

"Good. I'm glad to hear that. Now go make dinner." He said, resuming whatever he was watching on TV. Now it was my turn to be taken aback. "Did I stutter?" He asked, not taking his eyes away from what he was watching.

"No sir." I said, getting up and walking over to the kitchen, smiling a bit to myself. I guess that means I'm off the hook, at home at least.

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