Chapter Twelve: The Rage

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It was good having Evan back to school, lunch was starting to get lonely without him. Elliot had come back to school, and he was obviously not quite too happy.

I couldn't help but notice the dirty looks I got from Elliot every time we came within ten yards of each other in the hallways, but I don't really care. If he has a problem with me he is most certainly allowed to come up to me and grow a pair (talk).

It wasn't until just after third period that I caught wind of anything from Elliot. I overheard him and who I could only assume wad a friend talking as I walked through the school courtyard to get to my next class. Him and a red fox were disagreeing about something, and curious little kitty I am, I 'hid' (leaned) behind a stone post which blocked me from view.

"All I'm saying is that you shouldn't have provoked him like that. Especially with what you said." The red fox said to Elliot.

"Sam, what the fuck are you talking about? Weak little dirty homos like him are easy pickings, same goes for anyone who 'identifies'," He made an effort to spit out that last word. "with that fruity little rainbow flag of theirs. Don't tell me you actually care about any of them." Elliot ranted. Instead of responding, the red fox, Sam, just stayed silent. "Come on, we're gonna be late for fourth period, and we can't be late. If we get a lunch detention we can't do something fun at lunch." Elliot said. I quickly darted off before either of them had a chance to see me.  If they did, things could only get exponentially worse. Luckily I barely escaped their vision, just in time to get to fourth period. I wonder what he meant by 'something fun' at lunch.



Every passing day I was beginning to dislike Elliot more and more, regretting my decision to become his friend when I first got here. Honestly Evan was in the right in my opinion when it came to his reaction to Elliot at that party. Quite surprising too, never really seen him be violent at all, always took him as being too shy for stuff like that. Although, in his defense, I barely knew him. The more and more Elliot continued with his hate rants, the more and more I realized that he was lying about a lot of things, which got me wondering, was what he told me at the beginning of my time here actually true?

I wish I had the bravery to stand up to Elliot though, instead of following him around and being his friend. Every time he went off about someone else he decided to target the more his words infuriated me. But nope, I just did a big fat nothing about it. Whatever Elliot was planning for lunch time I didn't want to be a part of it. Insert: Emergency Get-Out-Of-School-Early plan, shoving a paw down my throat and running to the nurse's office to vomit. Works every time.



Turns out that Sam got sick shortly after we talked. Whatever, I don't need him here anyways, I can handle myself. To be honest I was starting to doubt if he was even worth having around. He seemed to be takig way too much empathy out on Evan. But like I said, I can handle myself.



The final seconds slowly ticked by until the bell rang, meaning it was finally lunch time. Like usual I met up with Hunter and Jason by the auditorium and we all headed off to lunch together. Sadly it had started to downpour ever since about halfway through fourth period, so I guess it looks like we were eating inside today. Nobody paid me any attention while I stood and waited in the lunch line, which I would rather have that over the alternative. So I just stood there, waiting, in line, for the lunch that I would barely pick at anyways.

Jason, Hunter, and I started our way to the back of the cafeteria, heading for the best table because no one ever sat at it and it was also in the corner. Win-win. Elliot was nowhere in sight, which is always an added bonus too. We all sat down, Jason in the seat next to me, and our backs facing everyone else while Hunter across from us.

"So I listened in on a conversation that Elliot was having today." Hunter casually said while he ate his lunch.

"What was he talking about?" Jason asked.

"Him and some fox guy were arguing about you attacking Elliot." He replied.

"And what did Sam have to say?" I asked him.

"He was actually on your side...I think. He was getting pissed when Elliot called you a homo and stuff." Hunter responded.

"Anything else?"

"He did happen to mention something that he was going to do at lun-oh shit here he comes." Hunter groaned, hanging his head. I turned around just in time to see Elliot walking over with two of his friends, an evil looking grin on his face. This couldn't be good, not good at all.

"What do you want now." Hunter groaned again, looking up at Elliot. Elliot continued to grin.

"A little birdie told me that you were spying on me, now why would that be?" Elliot cooed.

"Fuck off." Hunter replied, staring Elliot dead in the eyes.

"Not until you answer my question." Elliot said.

"Leave us alone." I said to Elliot, gritting my teeth in the process.

"Was I talking to you, cockslut? No. You may have cheaply caught me off guard but I'll still drop you easily." By now some of the furs in the cafeteria had caught on to what was happening and were staring.

"I really suggest that you leave." Hunter growled.

"Normally I'd say no, but you're all boring as fuck. Watch your back though." Elliot sneered, just before he spat on the food in front of me and walked away.

"That asshole. Evan do you want me to get you another lunch?" Hunter asked.

"Nah, it's fine. Thank you though. I wasn't hungry anyways." I replied, standing up and throwing the tray of food into the trash.

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