Chapter Twenty Five: Revalations

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The call came the next morning. It was Hunter's mother. He was dead. She explained to me that he had another seizure earlier that night, where in turn he fell into a coma. Six hours later, he was pronounced brain dead and taken off of life support.

The only reaction I could give was to fall back into the wall with my phone pressed up to my ear and sink to the floor. At first tears didn't come, but when that conversation-ending click came, all of my emotions pressed the stoic wall I had built until it shattered. Why me?

I threw the phone across the room and into the side of the mattress, where it bounced off and fell face down onto the brown carpet of the bedroom. I've been too emotionally battered over the past four years than I should have ever received in a life time. Nothing good ever happens, fuck life. My house was claimed by the bank as soon as my father was incarcerated, and all of my stuff was taken in order to repay the mountain of debts that had accumulated, so I had nothing on hand to end it all. I couldn't get any at the moment either, Jason's mom would question it.

I spent the next hour looking around my room, and the upstairs guest bathroom for things that I could use, to no real avail. But then the idea struck me, bed sheets. First I examined the curtain rod, and after concluding that the bolted in rod was suitable to hold my weight, I began my plan. I stripped the mattress from its sheets, and rolled them up until they resembled a rope-like shape. I tied it to the rod, above the window, double-knotting it and yanking on it for good measure to make sure it would hold. Next I opened the window, which faced the back yard, which was good because that meant that no one would probably see me enacting this until I was already dead. I sat on the window sill and tied the other loose end of the sheet around my neck, tightening it until I was feeling like I was being asphyxiated. I counted down from ten, ten, my heartbeat racing in my chest, nine, almost as if I could hear it. Eight. I started to feel panicky. Seven. But I had to keep my mind focused. Six. I began to think of Jason, who would probably be the one who ended up discovering me when he came home from work and wanted to check up on me. Five. Elliot, who had a large part in making my life into a living version of hell. Four. My father, who played probably the largest role of all in everything bad that has happened. Three. Sam, who had just came out to me, probably his closest friend. Two. The thought of giving everything up, that none of this would have been worth anything. One. Hunter. Would he want me to do this? Would he want me to just die? Would he understand? I could almost hear his voice now, in my head, telling me that he loved me, there on the hospital bed. The last words he ever said to me. The last thing that I would ever hear him say. The way his eyes lost hope as my father dragged me out of that room. Zero.

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