Chapter Nine: Getting Out

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Over the past few weeks since Hunter started coming to our school he had been making quite a name for himself. I mean, he was hot as hell, and was good at pretty much anything, besides drawing, he sucked at that. But amidst his newfound rising popularity in the school, he still spent the majority of his time around Jason and I, which made me happy, even though I had pretty much no chance with him, anyone who looked that good was straight, common knowledge. He had introduced me to a couple of friends that he had made, a couple of soccer players who were actually very nice, a rare thing for me to find nowadays.

"Hey Ev." Hunter asked me one day behind the school during lunch.

"Hm?" I asked, looking up from the sketchbook that I was drawing in.

"So Lucas (one of his friends from soccer) is throwing a party at his house tonight, do you think that you'll be able to make it? It starts at 10." He asked. I didn't want to directly shoot him down, I'd feel bad, so I did the next best thing.

"Not sure, my father will probably say no." Correction, my father will definitely say no, I just didn't want to say it.

"Okay, well I'll wait outside your house when it's just about time to go, if you don't come out I'll leave ten minutes later or something. I do really want you to go." He said. God he was so sweet, and my heart ached and longed for someone like that.

Later that day, after school, my father was passed out, and remained so for the rest of the night, so even if I wanted to attempt asking for him to yell at me, I didn't get the chance. That's great. I didn't want to ditch Hunter there all alone. Well I guess he wasn't going to be alone, but he actually wanted me to come with him, to a social event. With people. I've never really done that before, mostly because my father would never let me, but also because I've never been invited to something like this either. Spending the past few weeks with Hunter has led me to do things that I would never actually do, such as lying about where I was and such. Nothing necesarily bad, but I was doing things that any normal highschooler would do. So a thought crossed my mind. What if I just went? Like, snuck out after dark. I started to weigh my options, which me even considering it in it of itself was something that I would have never done a mere month ago. On one paw, if I was caught, I'd be so royally fucked I would be in fear for my life. But on the other paw, I would put myself out there. I'd be hanging out with Hunter, which was what made me the most happy. So I made my decision. Fuck it. Let's go.

When ten rolled around, which seemed to take forever to arrive, I threw on some suitable clothes and looked out my window for Hunter. And sure enough, there he was. His car parked along the side of the road. He sat inside, apparently dancing along to whatever music he was playing in the car. God that was great oh my God. Stifling a laugh I came to the realization that I had no idea how to get out of the house. I couldn't risk going downstairs because of my father, where conveniently all of the exits from the house were. I looked back out the window and at Hunter. Then I realized the answer was right in front of my eyes this whole time. The window. I could probably make the jump successfully, plus my fur is black so I shouldn't be seen in the act either. So it was settled, I unlocked the window in front of me and slid it up, swinging one leg out and then the other, to where I was just hanging onto my house by my paws. I knew not to look down or else I would panic, I mean, I was on the second floor. I hesitated, but finally let go and dropped down into the dirt patch that was once a flower bed when my mother was alive. A rush of adrenaline pumped through my veins. I was actually going to do this!

I slowly stalked over to Hunter's car, knocking on the passenger door window. He looked up and looked at me, squinting a bit to make out who I was before smiling and unlocking his car doors, allowing me to get in.

"He actually let you?" He asked in disbelief, still grinning as I sat down and buckled my seatbelt.

"Nope." I replied.

"Then how-?" He started to ask, but I just simply gestured back to my house and up to my open window, by curtain waving like a flag in the wind.

"Ahh. Didn't think you had it in ya." He said, sticking his tongue out at me.

"Jerk." I said, lightly punching him in the arm.

"Careful now, wouldn't want to show up at your front door left astray." He chided, clicking his tongue.

"You would never." I scoffed, clutching my chest sarcastically.

"Meh you're right." He responded, putting his car into gear and driving away.

The entire car ride there, which wasn't long, only ten minutes, we listened and sang along to music, told jokes, etc. Being with him made me feel accepted, made me feel alive. When we got there my anxiety finally started to show up and set in. Through the window I could see the silhouettes of other furs from school at the party, and while I didn't even know who was going to be here and I was still scared to go in. Hunter must have noticed my unease because he grabbed my head and turned it to look at him.

"You'll be fine, just stick close to me and I promise nothing will happen to you." He reassured me. And so we went in. As soon as we walked through the door, I noticed the scent of beer. And there was definitely a lot because a bunch of furs from school, some I recognized, some I did not, all were holding the clichè red solo cups, filled to the brim with beer.

"Oh yeah, little tip Evan, don't eat or especially anything preopened. You'd be surprised with what happens at these things." He advised. "Or anyone." He smirked at me.

"Hey! Never. Plus there's a guy I like." I instantly regretted those words. He stopped dead in his tracks.

"Ooooooo Evaaaan. Who is it? C'mon let's hear it." He cooed immaturely.

"Not a chance. C'mon let's go in." I ushered.

"Fine, but mark my words, I'll figure out who." He said, walking forward.

"Sure you will. My God put that tongue back in your mouth before I take it!" I said, looking at him sticking his tongue out at me.

"Party pooper." He grumbled, opening the door to the party. I did just as he told me to in the car. I tailed him around quietly around the party. I was actually having a bit of fun, and after a little while of Hunter persisting, I broke and had a beer. I do have to say, the taste was a little weird but I might have a new understanding for what I called poison. This shit's great! Before I knew it I had downed two. Three. Six. I don't even know anymore, everything was fuzzy and considerabally way more fun. Hunter was also wasted, so when it was about two in the morning, we both stumbled out the door and outside.

"That was fucking great!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Sure, the entire time I couldn't help but notice all of the furs staring at me wondering what the heck I of all furs was doing at a top tier party, and I might have even seen Elliot at one point, not sure. The alcohol running rampant through my veins was clouding my short-term memory. "A-are you good to drive?" I asked Drunky the Clown-Hunter.

"Not sure man." He said in his best stoner impression.

"Well...fuckin' focus then." I responded, clambering oh-so-gracefully into the passenger's seat of Hunter's car. Unlike how the two of us have been leading, Hunter in fact did manage to point the car in the right direction and before I knew it I was standing in front of my house.

I decided that the back door in the kitchen would be my best way back in since it was always unlocked and right by the stairs, and thankfully it went just so. I plopped down on my bed and without changing or anything, Evan Black-ed the fuck out.

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