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I wasn't able to do it

That time, just about to jump out and break my neck, a little over a year ago. The thought of Hunter at the end is what finally convinced me not to do it. I just couldn't. If I ended it all just then right there, then life would have won, and fuck that.

I looked down at the billowing purple robe on my body, over the normal clothing I had on underneath. No, this is what Hunter would have wanted. Two other furs in white robes with rods in their hands signalled for the first row to stand up, which, conveniently for me "Black" falls under the first ten names alphabetically in my grade. I rose along with the other students in my graduating class and followed them along the line across the football field and out onto the stage they had set up earlier that morning.

The district superintendant and a bunch of other furs from the board of directors were standing in the customary black robes and clapping. I waited my turn to get my diploma, shaking paws with everyone along the way.

Finally, I grabbed my diploma from the superintendant. As I took it from her paws, I felt a chill run across my body, almost as if, my life was about to change. For the first time in years I felt in control of my life.

Although my momentary feeling of satisfaction was to be short lived, as they hit the part of the line where Hunter should be standing, smiling his beautiful smile while his parents cheered for him. But that never happened. They skipped his name. He wasn't here, and his parents had moved back to their home town months ago, where Hunter was buried.

Jason promised that he would take me to go see him again today, after the ceremony. He had gotten into UConn the year before, where I was finally accepted into. I actually got my letter of acceptance last week, and Jason's parents actually brought us all out. I love them so much.


I knelt down in front of the familiar grave stone. Hunter's name was engraved into the polished granite. I placed another magenta rose atop the marker, replacing the dead one from last week.

"I-I'm sorry." I whimpered, letting tears flow freely down my cheeks.

"But I have to let you go."


Hi guys! Yeah, so this one needed a bad ending. But still, thank you so much for coming along on the ride. There probably won't be another book in this series, but a couple characters might appear in some other books, Idrk. :)

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