Chapter Nineteen: All Hell

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I couldn't believe that I actually told him. Although, I must say, it felt...good, to be open about it and to let it all off of my chest. He looked back at me with shocked, yet kind and caring eyes. He seemed to understand. He didn't question if I was sure, he didn't look at me like I was some injured or sick animal either

I guess, now that I look back, I wanted to be a female since I was a lot younger. I would occasionally even sneak into my one-year-younger sister's room and try on her clothes, and it felt...right. But it also felt like a deadly curse. One that I was forced to bottle up and disguise all because of closed minds and the desire to hate that other furs feel.

But we had more immediate tasks at hand. More desperate ones. The gang outside had gotten bored, and they had taken up to smashing into the door and cursing when it wouldn't open. But it wouldn't remain shut forever. Even though there was a chain and bar lock on the door, the bar's screws were rusted and worn down by time and was threatening to break loose. After that happened, it would only be a matter of time before they got the chain undone as well.

After racking my mind, trying to think of what to do, I came up with a plan. I whispered it into Evan's ear and he nodded, accepting it. We both picked up drum sticks and waited on either side of the door. There couldn't possibly be any more than three of them out there, so this was guaranteed to work. Shortly after taking position, the bar lock snapped off like I had predicted. And, now refilled with motivation from their sudden progress, they began barging into the door faster and faster, heavier and heavier. In between one of their barges, I enacted our plan. I unlocked the door. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. The footsteps could be heard stomping towards the door.

Crash!! The door swung open, and the fur, a rhinoceros that hung out with Elliot all of the time, flew through the doorway, eyes bulging in surprise of no resistance. Stunned, he fell forward and flat onto his face. Evan stuck him in the spine...heavily...multiple times, incapacitating him for the time being. In the mean time, the other two that were out there, Elliot and Noah, a shark that was on the baseball team, started rushing at us. I was starting to become convinced in our ability to make it through this, but then I realized how dastardly wrong I was. No less than four more furs of assorted species came around the corner.

We tried our best to defend ourselves against them, but we were terribly outnumbered, and outmatched.



We were completely fucked. I managed to hit Noah in the head, causing him to back off, cradling his skull like a wounded animal. But Elliot was more crafty. A lot more crafty.

"Oh look at this. We have two faggots to deal with. Talk about a two-for-one!" He maniacally laughed, spitting into my face. Like an idiot I got distracted by both anger and the jaguar saliva in my eye, which gave him the perfect moment to attack. Kind of like how I got the better of him at Lucas' party a few months back by catching him off guard, that's what he did to me. Also, I'm not very physically demanding either, so I was at a very heavy disadvantage.

I raised the drum stick still clutched in my right paw, trying to hit him in the back of the head so that he would release me from the chokehold he currently had me in, but seeing my move before I even managed to make contact, he used his spare paw to strike at my wrist, forcing me to lose hold on my one saving grace and effectively pinning my arm to the floor. I struggled the best I could, but wasn't able to do anything as the rhino who came through the door earlier had gotten back up and was now kicking me in the chest, making it almost impossible for me to breathe.

I was able to catch a glimpse at Sam by the door, who wasn't having much luck either. Noah had rejoined the fight and was teaming up with an ox who I recognized as a fur named Michael and were kicking at Sam, who was crunched up on the floor and guarding his face with his paws. But we weren't completely out of the fight yet. A figure appeared in the doorway. It was a feline.

At first I thought-no, hoped it was Hunter. But instead it was...Mr. Picano?

"STOP IT NOW!!" The music teacher bellowed. A few of the furs who were ruthlessly beating Sam and I turned and looked, but in seeing the skinny and seemingly weak cat yelling at them, resumed their onslaught of fists and kicks. But I knew something that they didn't. Mr. Picano was ex-military. And God help their souls, because I saw him practicing martial arts before, and let me tell you, I wouldn't want to be caught on the wrong side of him.

Gracefully, the feline maneuvered his way in between the jocks and struck all of them in rapid succession, aiming for tendons and nerve endings. Snapping at joints, and in a blur everyone had realized the hard way that they had drastically underestimated the band teacher of all furs. He helped both me and Sam up.

"Go to my room and lock the door, now." He said calmly, pushing us out of the closet and we did as he asked. I looked over my shoulder to see what was to become of the students groaning in pain on the ground and I saw Mr. P with his walkie-talkie out probably calling the front office and the SRO.

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