Chapter Twenty Two: Dreams

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I had a great dream. It was a warm dream, like the kind you imagine when you picture yourself on a beach at a resort. You know what I mean, like, first person view, on the beach chair laying back with sunglasses and a bathing suit on, the ocean, the ones we all have. In this dream, there were voices, familiar ones that I couldn't quite pinpoint, and they were laughing and talking in a mumble. I couldn't turn my head to see them, but I wasn't concerned. I felt safe, comfortable, and most importantly of all, loved.

But it's weird, I still felt the same way when I woke up. I was warm, felt safe, and...wet? Not like, damp or soaking wet, but like...wet in places I didn't imagine I would be for a long time. And no, it wasn't the front side.

My breathing intensified as I was actually able to turn my head this time, and it was Hunter. His muzzle was placed over my shoulder, his arms wrapped around my waist, spooning me, and uh, there was something pressing up against my back side. I wouldn't be honest if I said I didn't get a rush, even though I knew Hunter did this unintentionally. But like, he was having a wet dream. On my butt. His dick was out. Like, you can't just make this shit up.

I couldn't let this continue, especially because I'm pretty sure he was straight. I started to shake him.

"Hunter. Hunter. Hunter!!" I ended up yelling.

"Hm?" He groaned into my shoulder. "What's happening?"

"How uh, how was your dream?" I chuckled.

"It was gre-OH SHIT!!" He screamed, sitting up like a rake when a farmer steps on it. I started hysterically laughing, also sitting up.

"I'm sorry, but this is freaking fantastic!!" I howled, doubling over and hardly being able to breath. Slightly aroused. Aroused. Really fucking aroused.

"I'M SO SORRY EVAN!!" He yelled, jumping off of the futon, dragging the blankets with him and using them to cover his crotch. I stood up and hugged him while laughing so hard it was starting to become uncomfortable.

"It-t's okay!" I wheezed. It took me a solid two minutes to calm down before I was able to compose myself in front of Hunter. "So uh, Hunter. Who were you uh, thinking about?" I winked.

"It was no one!" He shakily said. I pressed my paw to the bridge of my nose and sighed.

"I bet it was that cheerleader that transferred into your math class, isn't it?" I grinned.

"No. It's not. Now I have to go...clean up. You just wait here." He rushed, turning and walking towards the shed door.

"Mhm, and I'll just sit here with my...never mind." I teased, turning around and sitting down on the futon, intentionally staring Hunter dead in the eyes. God it's so much fun to mess with him. And also, almost as icing on the cake, he was blushing like a rose.



My parents had freaked out the second I walked through the front door after I arrived home after the skirmish behind the school. My mom was hysterical and inspected every wound and cut on my body, dragging me to the upstairs bathroom where we kept a first aid kit. My dad relentlessly asked questions, and on more than one occasion since then they have offered to move schools, and even pack up and move our entire family again. Now there was no possible way I was going to let that happen, it sucked moving the first time, and Megan (my little sister) had just started getting settled in, even making a new best friend down in the middle school.

I kept insisting that I was fine and that it was nothing they should be worried about, saying that it was a simple misunderstanding and that the situation was all taken care of. The two of them, and especially my mother were skeptical about if what I explained was true, but decided to keep those thoughts to themselves.

I decided to go on a walk. I liked walking, it relieves stress and I guess it helps me stay in shape. One of my unusual new favorite parts about moving to a new town is not knowing where the hell I am half of the time. I can just pick a direction and go, and always find something new. One time I did this I even one time got so lost that I had to Google Map my way back to my house.

Normally my parents don't think twice about it when I tell them I'm gonna go out, but this time when I asked my mom made sure I had my phone, told me to call her the second something went wrong and my dad even gave me his pocket knife behind my mom's back.

Nothing bad should happen though, because I knew from when I was "friends" with Elliot that they all lived on the far side of town.

Today I chose to head left from my house instead of right like usual, and I walked and walked. I listened to some music on my phone as I went, and eventually I hit some main road where there were stores and shops and everything. And then I realized I was hungry. And there was a Taco Bell across the street. And then I realized I wanted a taco. Nothing like knowing you're going to shit lava the next day, but still, it's all worth it.

I walked across the street, barely avoiding being hit by a speeding car, and walked inside. Instantly my ears perked up. Two familiar voices were talking in the background. Evan and Hunter.

My paws rested against the unmanned counter and I called out their names.

"Evan? Hunter?" I called.

"Sam?" Evan shouted from the kitchen, a loud banging sound from something dropping could be heard.

"Aye. I want a taco." I responded. A...compact looking bulldog came out of the side office, adjusting his tie and looking very stressed out.

"Sorry about the wait, been a hell of a day." He grumbled, starting the computer used to take orders.

"Don't worry about it Frank, I've got this one." Evan said, coming around thr corner.

"Oh thank God Evan, you're a life saver, I've got people on hold..." The manager sighed, walking away while still talking.

"I forgot you guys worked here." I laughed a little bit, rubbing the back of my head.

"Yeah, we-" Evan started before multiple loud crashes could be heard from the back. "Hunter?!" Evan called loudly, with a hint of worry in his voice. Evan leaned back so that he could get a peek of the area where Hunter was working. And then he screamed.

Haha deal with the cliffhanger :D

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