Chapter Thirteen: Friday

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There is no greater feeling in the world than waking up to clogged sinuses, a painful cough, and a sore throat. On top of all of that, a massive headache. I hate colds. Plus I always get the worst ones. I got out of my bed and my head instantly swam with magenta swirling lights and a complete loss of feeling throughout my body. A great litfle surprise was the sudden desire to vomit my guts out, so I laid back down quickly. Well maybe I had something a tad worse than a common cold. I suppose that if I was just quiet for the whole day I could just stay at home without my father finding out. Because if I ever tried the 'I'm too sick to go to school' card with him I would be told to 'man the fuck up and get to school.' So I got back up, very slowly this time, and locked my bedroom door. I went back into my bed and curled up under my blankets, grabbing a good book off of my bookshelf on the way. I had no appetite whatsoever, so getting food was not any concern, so I laid there and read for the next couple of hours.

Maybe two hours later a faint tap sound came from my window. I continued to lay there, assuming that it was nothing until the same exact sound happened again. I groaned as I stood up and peeked through my blinds. Down on the lawn stood freaking Hunter, throwing pebbles at my room's window.

"Oh what the hell." I mumbled, sliding my window up and poking my head into the outside air. I made a motion to my lips for him to stay quiet before he could say anything abd carefully climbed out my window. Well. Almost carefully. You know when you're really really sick and you think that you might be fine for a minute in terms of moving around and such, but once you get into it, like walking or lifting something for example, and all hell breaks loose? Yeah. That was me. I may or may not have lost my grip on the side of the house and fell.

My voice was too shot for my screaming to make a sound louder than a barely audible whisper, but instead of hitting the ground and probably hurting myself pretty badly, a pair of fuzzy arms.

"The fuck is up with you?" Hunter asked, looking down at me.

"Me? Why are you throwing rocks at my window?" I croaked back, my voice cracking up every other word.

"You weren't in school today, I got worried that Elliot or your father had done something." He replied quietly. I could tell that, no lie, he was actually being serious.

"Oh my God that's so sweet! Wow I would cry but I think I'm dehydrated enough as it is." I joked, still hanging limp in his arms. And by limp I mean that my head was literally hanging upside down. "In case you haven't figured it out by now why I'm not in school, it's because I'm conveniently dying over here."

"Well that makes two of us." He responded. "Come with me, let's go to the pharmacy and get you some meds." He said. Not in any mood to argue, I allowed him to carry me into his car. Now don't get me wrong, I wasn't that sick that I couldn't walk to the car by myself, but when you have a fur to carry you for free, you always accept.

He must have driven past three different pharmacies before we made it to one two towns over, which I was confused by. But, yet again, in no mood to argue whatsoever, I complied.

"Are you able to walk?" Hunter asked me as he pulled into a parking spot. I nodded, not wanting to exert my voice. "Good, you head in and grab what you want, as well as anything else that you would like," he handed me a twenty, "and I swear that I will be right back."

"Where are you going?" I asked, wondering why he wasn't coming in with me. Seemed quite rude to be honest, but I would never say that out loud.

"Just have to pick up one more thing really quick while we're out here, won't take me long at all." He assured me. I nodded again and got out of his car, walking slowly into the CVS.

I walked down the isles until I reached the all-in-one cold medication section, grabbed the cheapest box that I could find, and walked up to the counter at the front. As payback for Hunter leaving me, I also got a bag of Sour Patch Children and a water bottle [LOOK AT THAT SEXY COPYRIGHT EVASION]. I waited on a bench outside and took the medicine, as well as ate an entire bag of candy in one sitting for about ten minutes more before Hunter pulled up alongside the curb in his car. I stood up and got in the passenger seat and set the box of medication in the cup holder, next to another white box that based on the picture was a new phone.

"You got yourself a new phone?" I asked, curious as to why.

"Sort of." He replied, pulling his old one out of his pocket. "I reset this one and I want you to have it. I put my number in it already so you can text me the next time you decide to go dying on me again." He explained. I stared back at him in awe.

"Wait, really?" I questioned in disbelief.

"Mhm. Just don't let your dad find out that you have it or else you're dead meat."

"Father, not dad." I replied. "But thank you so much!" I said happily, just like a pup on Christmas morning. Trust me, you might not understand it, but not having the internet is super fucking annoying. Hunter then drove me back home, said goodbye, and I snuck back up into my room, spending the rest of the day and well into the night dipping my toes into the world that other furs lived in everyday.

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