The Video

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"Hey, have you find anyone for prom yet?" My friend asked.

"Actually not yet, but I did set my eyes on someone today." I whispered to the phone. I didn't wanted to wake up my sister again and also I wanted to keep my life.

"Am I calling at the wrong time?" She giggled through the phone.

"Yeah, no. I mean 3am is a perfectly fine part of the day to call me. It's not like I nearly got killed by my sister a few minutes ago for rolling on the floor laughing." I snapped at her sarcastically.

We said bye to each other and promised to talk later on today. I made my way up the stairs and placed the camera front of my plain black blinds which were covered with fairy lights. The background looked like a bokeh shot it looked pretty cool. The chair went front of the camera as I sat myself down onto it. I turned the lense on focus to my face and adjusted the screen so I can see myself in it. Big breath, press record.

"Hey Colby, this is (Y/N) and here's a special video for you." I let out a sweet smile then shut down the camera.

If I were to invite Colby I need something special, like perfect. Maybe a good video shooting. Where I look destinctive. It was time to tell my friend. I wasn't ready but I know that she will be the only person helping me. My fingers typed and the message was sent, for a meet up in the park, within 3 hours. The camera was already packed with all the other accessories. Thinking about it, it took a whole year of constant work to get this aqquipment that I currently own.

A good shower, then the dressing began. It was some casual stuff. Short high waisted jeans, with white baseball shirts which had black sleeves, on top of that a red oversized hoodie and black Vans on the feet. My hair was curled from yesterday and it was a little messy but it looked like a cute morning look. This all coated with some light makeup and I was ready. My mirror hated me. Whenever I saw myself all I saw was the fat blobs and it made me want to puke. "No.. I am fine. We are not going through this again." Heavy breathing followed my words. It was hard. All that mental illness that I had and the.. Another buzz pulled my out of my mindset. It was a text this time. "Hurry ur ass up, I am already here." my friend texted. Not going to lie the anxiety flood over me. I was so scared to tell her that I am a Youtuber, I am not even that good. "Whatever." I whispered and before going out I took a selfie I the mirror.

'Going out early for a new cringe video clip

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'Going out early for a new cringe video clip. #lol #love #selfie."

I typed onto Instagram and hint the 'send' button. I forgot to turn off the notification button and the messages just flood my page. From horny guys texting their junks to my fans trying to molest me.

I got the bag on my back and made my way to the park and because of all the messages my friend's text wasn't visible. I arrive to see the grumpy face of hers.
"What did I do this time?" I tried to laugh it off.
"I was freezing my ass off for an hour. Would you mind at least texting back if you are on your way or not? Gosh." She gave me her lecture in a quiet grumpy manner.

I just apologised for arriving late. Probably all the daydreaming slowed me down without me noticing it. We had a great talk but my stomach was tense all the way and I didn't know how to tell her.

"About prom.." The words escaped her mouth.

"Hey, uhm could you help me in a video? It's for class in college, we have to make a mini movie about ourselves and..." I spoke really fast.

"Hell yeah, I always wanted to make some videos you know for YouTube. Maybe to become a YouTuber even! Imagine how cool that would be." She looked so happy and surprised.

I decided to not tell her about me. She probably wouldn't be able to process it. We decided to hurry somethings up. The filming took several hours till we go it right, half way through we even needed to call her brother up to help us out with the video. There was this one shot where I nearly injured myself as well but we just laughed it off and continued. It was good to be social with her. I felt crap because I knew that she would have appreciated the whole truth behind this video. "Not today." I whispered to myself.

When we finished I thanked her by buying her favourite ice cream mint chocolate. We ended up in the same park walking around laughing together. I saw a boy making his way towards me. "(Y/N) right?" I looked up in a surprise and my friend looked really confused.

"Yeah, it's kind of the wrong timi.." I couldn't finish my sentence as he cut me off.

"Please just a quick picture and I'll be gone." He begged while putting his hands together.

I nodded and he gave his phone to my friend. He made me laugh so hard that I had to cover my face. He just leaned really close and did the same thing. To be honest he looked like a pretty chill guy.

After the photos were taken he thanked me and I smiled and waved good bye

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After the photos were taken he thanked me and I smiled and waved good bye.

"So who was that?" My friend asked as I begun to sweat. My palms were numb and I was trying to hold back my hands from shaking.

I just explained that it was a guy from the last party that I went to and we didn't get to talk to each other a lot but he liked me. She let a surprised 'Oh.' out and I got saved from telling her my story. We didn't stayed for too long maybe half an hour or so and we made our way back to our homes.

As I got home my mom did the same lecturing about 'having a phone' and saying that if "you have a phone then use it." My head was already hurting enough from the other lecture I didn't need another one. I made my way upstairs and began to upload the videos to my computer and I layed down in my bed while waiting, however the envy of sleeping got me passed out.

The Chance // Colby Brock // X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now