What Is Happening? Am I going Insane?

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I woke up yet again as I was gasping for air. The cute guy was still next to me, holding my hand. He was breathing heavily while sleeping but I didn't payed much attention as he woke up anyway. At this point I was legit afraid. In my head I kept saying: *Please don't say the same thing, please don't say the same thing.* but then he eventually spoke anyway.

"Oh hey you are up? " He chuckled, then smiled. For a second I thought it was all over and this was just a cluster-fuck of dreams, which somehow was made up by my mind. However, that's when he had to open his mouth...

"Aside that, are you all okay? That shit was intense. Especially the guy with the gun... Fucking phycho." He looked into my eyes.

"Stop it. You are scaring me." as I said this I spiraled into a tantrum. "I can't believe this is happening. It's just pure insane... Like how can you. Ugh." I buried my face in my palms. As I looked up he had a a huge 'wtf' face.

"What did I do to you? I was trying to protect you." He said in an angry manner.

"Yeah, I know I just..." I took a breath and spoke again. "This is just too much. Don't you have a strange déjà vu feeling?" I looked at him almost crying.

"Alright, look. You need a doctor. On my way out I'll call him in." He replied.

"W-wait, so you are leaving? But we didn't even got to talk!" I raised my voice.

"You need to get your head checked..." He looked at me for a split second and left.

I just felt so shit. Like the way he spoke to me broke my heart. Sure I didn't say the nicest things but I am not mentally insane. Or at least not to a concerning point anway..." This is an endless loop of events.." I whispered as the light switch came on. If I die again, that means I get to re-do this whole thing again.

My head did a 360 around the room and then it came to a stop at the windows. I looked outside and it was a huge drop down to the floor. Yolo.

Splash. That was the last thing I heard before waking up again. Short breaths took over me and the cute guy woke up with his monologue.

"Jesus, you need to stop scaring me. You already done it at your prom!" He laughed, then grew a serious face. "Aside that, are you all okay? That shit was intense. Especially the guy with the gun... Fucking phycho."

I took a deep breath and looked at him.

"Hey, do I know you?" I said as I grew a sad face. I wanted to start clean and to get my chances right.

For a few seconds he stopped smiling and then responded with: "Haha, that's a good prank. I can already see a camera. For a second I thought you were real."

"You seem like an amazing guy, but no. Sorry I cannot recall anything." I said as I continued sadly looking down.

"Wait are you serious?" He asked as I nodded in answer.

"I remember that you meant a lot to me, but at the moment, everything, even my name is a blur." I looked up at him. He grew a smile and told me that I sounded sweet.

"Well at least we are at one level right now." He laughed a little, but I didn't understand.

Soon enough we started talking about everything. Our favourite colours, what we wanted to be as kids and many other things that I remembered. He laughed a lot and we had these suttle stops inbetween, where we tried to avoid eye contact because if we were to stare at each other, even a little, we would have giggled. He I formed me about YouTube and I only remember what I used to watch like a good 8 years ago. Shane Dawson with his emo hair and PewDiePie swearing in Swedish. He just laughed at the nostalgic moments.

Soon enough we started seeing the sunrise. I pointed it out and he gestured to come over and sit next to him, so I could see it better. We stared at it for a moment. No words were spoken, but you could feel how each side wanted to speak. However instead of words our bodies spoke and vibe spoke.

I looked over to see him laying on the window cill. He was falling asleep so I decided to go back to the bed and have a little sleep. Surely that wasn't so easy. The doctor came in explaining everything that he has before in the other uhhh... In the other, dream? Vision? I am not entirely sure what it was. All I knew and all I know is that it was weird. But I feel like I had several chances and I know that I should thank whoever gave those chances to me.

Coming to Christopher, the name rang a bell. However it felt different...

The Chance // Colby Brock // X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now