So It Happened

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Every day of the week I woke up in cold sweat hoping to not get killed. The images of the dead body just floated around in my head and I couldn't erase the feeling of the organ hitting my head, which I tough to be a rotten tomato first. My stomach just wanted to empty it self but since I was trying to recover from an eating disorder I couldn't puke anymore. It was painful. Most of the times I was just in bed not wanting to do anything and my half a K fans were asking where I went. I was going to explain it to them but it seemed impossible, it was like trying to swallow a huge ball and I couldn't. Finally for the 10th time trying I made a decent video roughly explaining it without any detail. It was uploaded and my routine of watching movies and/or series. YouTube was the least important right now. My mother was trying to comfort me but when she came close to me it was like back in the day when they took me away from my real mother. I can just taste the alcohol, maybe this is partiality why I wanted to get drunk. To hate myself out of existence.

"I've had enough." I whispered to myself.

The phone was in my hands typing the truth about the video project to my best friend. She deserves the truth, after all she helped. The conversation followed:

Me: I am so sorry that I lied. This video wasn't for a project.

Friend: I know. It was top trending on YouTube dude. You should watch what you are doing.


Friend: Well according to my screen you did.

I got really scared and my heart was pounding. I didn't release the Video or did I? I swore on my life that I didn't posted it. But when it came to my channel, there it was. With 3 million views within half a week. It was the most watched video on my channel as well.

The shame ran down my cheeks. First it started with only joking about it to me actually posting it. My heart was pounding, but when I went to the comment section I was surprised. Everyone supported it and many spammed it on Colby's twitter. However there wasn't any response yet. It must have been the most cringe thing for him to see and he probably ignored it. The app got closed and I layer down on my sofa crying. Why? Why does this only happen to me. Making a fool out of myself. All the thoughts came to my mind and I started shaking. My legs ran to the bathroom reaching for my razor. I broke the outside and reached for one of the tiny blades. Then I stood there. The blade was 1 inch away from my skin. I heard my heavy breathing and a ring in my ear. 'Remember what your friend told you.' A whisper came to me. I stopped, because on the inside... I wanted to get better.

Nobody was at home at that was my luck. I managed to clean everything up. It was a little session for me. When the cleaner lady came she was surprised by me. I was on the floor cleaning it. She didn't even question, just got down next to me helping to clean it. We cleaned the whole house together. At first she seemed a bit ruined down but she was really nice. When she left I felt so much better. I decided to go and take a bath, to take away the exhaution that the cleaning caused.

I made it to my room picking the phone up then made my way to the bathroom. First I only put the hot tap on but after I changed it to a mid temperature so when I step in I don't feel like a person who is trying to walk there way through hell. If I would have had as many money as many times as I burnt myself, I would be the richest person on earth. It's not like that I am broke now, but at least I would have made my own money. I just sighed as I took of my clothes and stepped into the bath. My phone was in my hand and while I was watching Logan Paul it buzzed. When I looked at it it was a message, from my friend.

She sent me a video of Sam a day Colby exploring a abandoned buildnig. It wasn't anything special. I didn't quiet get what she was trying to point out.

'Uhm, what am I supposed to see?' I asked.

'Go back to the beginning and look closer at what he said.' She replied withing seconds.

So I did. Opened the video again pulling it to the front where Colby seems to be talking about stuff.

'So today guys we are going to the melancholy Hill abandoned hospital. It will be probably the biggest place we ever explored.'

'Yeah!' Sam shouted from the background as Colby giggled at it.

'Now soon we are going to England for a week and OH BOI we are excited.'

'Well at least Colby is, he will enjoy.." Sam couldn't finish his sentence because Colby shut him of.

'So we are going to the Abandoned hospital and see you guys there.'

Still. I couldn't point to what she was trying to point out. Even after several minutes I didn't get it, so I texted my friend back.

'I still don't see what you are trying to point out.' I said.

'For fucks sake you blind ass mother ducker.' She replied.

'Just tell me. It would be so much easier then to run around the rim.' I typed with my fingers.

'They are visiting England just in time for your prom.' She answered.

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