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Prom is only three days away. Everything is getting just perfect. Dress was ready, exams are executed and today was the day for nails, hair and waxing.

I rang my friend as usual and I sent my assistant with the limousine to pick her up. I threw on some casual clothing and walked my way down to the city centre. With plugged in headphones I was strolling in the city. I was looking all around. The city was lit up with sunshine and the atmosphere was just perfect. I felt myself breathing comfortably once in my life. No fear, no shame, no bad thoughts. Just me and the music. It was perfect.

I saw the hair salon which I usually go to do my hair. My step mom has already booked an appointment ages ago to this day, so it wasn't a fuss to get in. As I stepped in, they led me to my chair where I waited for my favourite hair dresser Mike. He was sexy, he done hairs well aaaaand he wasn't even gay. To be honest if he would be single, I would have went for him. The thought of us got me giggling.

"Whatcha gigglin' about?" I heard the similar voice approaching me, grabbing my shoulders for a massage.

It was Mike.

"I am ready to go extra." I stated to him.

I swiped my phones lock up, typing the password in. Then my finger followed to gallery to show the picture of the hair I wanted.

 Then my finger followed to gallery to show the picture of the hair I wanted

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I always had a long hair. It was almost down to by butt. However this time, I wanted to go a little extra. From the long straight light brown hair, today I'll go to a medium black wavy hair. Mike did question the change, but I just said that I wanted to feel special. He always had a thing for emo girls. All tough I wasn't one, he did give me some looks before. I told Marina to get some ice-cream for us while I am getting my hair ready.

My hair was done within an hour and not going to lie. Mike did check me out. I saw him staring intently through the mirror. I just said thanks as I gave him a a bear hug. He smiled and I began to walk out. Before I "escaped" he gave me a smack on the bum and when I turned back he gave me a wink aswell. I just laughed it off and walked right out.

On my way to the nail salon I bumped into Marina. She got my favourite ice cream which was chocolate chip cookie. She knew me too well. We entered the salon after the ice cream and we choose our nails. She went for night blue and I went for burgundy which matched my dress. We had an amazing laugh. I did tell the workers that I am sorry. They were grumpy but after I gave £200 extra, their smiles were just blossoming. Let's just say that I probably made their day.

Sometimes I hated to have money because every time I wanted something it was front of me. I never really worked too hard for it. I remember when I used to live with the alcoholic. It was unpleasant but it thought me how to live without having a thing. I remember I used to sleep on the floor because my mother got sick on my bed. Or I would just go out with some of my older friends. I remember they would always protect me like I was their only piece of gold. It used to be me, Sammy a girl who awfully loved to get drunk just to spill her sadness, Zack who was secretly linking with Sammy, Tom who never spoke too much he was the one providing the basement of his dead grandmother's house, kinda creepy but I always knew that he was sad about it and lastly Mike, the thought one. Once when we went out a guy threatened me with a knife, without him moving Mike punched him and the guy just passed out. He just casually spat on him as he grabbed my hand to walk off. I used to be in love with him, but eversince I moved, I never heard a thing from any of these people. Pretty sad.

"You here?" Marina waved her hand front of me viciously.

"Oh yeah, shit sorry. I guess I wondered off a bit." I smiled.

"Well that smile of yours will soon go away." she said laughing while we entered a building.

We arrived to the waxing place. A lady casually greeted us while asking for our names. She gave us keys and said to go in to the rooms and the waxer ladies will follow. For Marina it was a simple arm waxing but for me... For me it was a full body waxing. The pure pain that only a masochist would enjoy. Secretly I was, especially knowing how it felt to see my arms getting covered in redish substance. Me and Marina parted ways into our rooms. I entered and I begun to take my clothes off.

"Ahh great, now I can tell my friends that the first person who saw me naked was a female." I chuckled.

I waited til the lady came in.
-I will not describe the following. If you ever been waxed you know it's like when you enter to hell.-

After we finished by body was burning and I barely moved for a few minutes. The worker has already left and told me to give the keys in when I am finished with 'suffering'. It was quiet funny as much as it hurt.

As I was laying there trying to recover I heard a male laughter outside with Marina's laughter. For a second I raised my eyebrows as I knew I heard that voice before. I am not sure where it was from, but it was definet that I have heard it before. I jumped up moaning in agony. Marina shushed the person and that gave me chills. Marina was a single pringle, but maybe she's flirting with someone.

"I got to see this." I whispered to myself.

I ran and my body busted through the door, then my face decided to hug the floor. I layed on ground for a second, then I looked up.

"Who did you talked to?" I questioned her.

"Why is your whole body red?" She asked back.

I told her that I had a full body hair removal. Which she replied with a simple 'ouch'. We laughed it off quickly, especially me. I tried to question her again but she always made her way around not answering my question. I was really suspicious that she was planning something. All tough I am not quiet sure what it is... But there was one thing I was sure of. Is that I heard that voice before...

The Chance // Colby Brock // X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now