Is That Him?

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I woke up in a sweat. Today is prom and my heart is frowning . My body tilted into a sitting position on the bed then my eyes focused on the alarm clock near me. For a second I rubbed my eye, then I looked it again.

"SHIT." I jumped up in panic.

It was almost 7 o'clock and I wasn't ready for prom yet. I quickly put on the dress that me and Marina brought then my legs ran towards the makeup table. Quick cat eyes with a smoky look. Eyebrows on fleek and lips are puckering with a burgundy rouge. It wasn't that bad, but it could have been better if my lazy ass wouldn't have fallen asleep. My thoughts gathered together then I put on my burgundy shoes and slammed the also burgundy handbag to my side.

I made my way downstairs then ran outside. I jumped into the limousine and we made our way. It was 8 o'clock by the time we got to the place. I dusted my shoulders then walked in. Everyone in there had their jaw dropped. It was like the Queen of England walked in. I just shrugged it of and made my way to the bar.

"I would like to order a Sapphire Martini." I looked at the bar tender.

For a second he looked like he was going to laugh, but when I put £4000 down on the table he gasped.

"Don't test me." I whispered to him.

He turned right to the drinks and started making the beverage. I turned around and my heart stopped. I felt a really cold substance sliding into my stomach. I screamed in agony as my eyes traced the path. It was a knife and a man's hand clenching onto it. He grabbed my head to push my ear closer to his mouth.

"You disrespect me... I disrespect you." He whispered.

I felt the knife sliding out of my stomach and then a hot stream frowning from my stomach down to my legs. He held me softly, but I was so disguested. When he finally let go of my head I saw a glimpse of light shining on his face. It was Christopher Mackenzie. He was crying, then he kissed me. I was going to fight back but the stream of blood became heavier and I started loosing both sight and strength.

The last thing I remember is...

The sirens and everything became dark.

The Chance // Colby Brock // X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now