One Whole Million!

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The week passed. It was quicker than expected. I didn't even do that much. Most of it was spent in my bed watching Netflix all day long trying to make videos but ending up crying. Since it was friday I wanted to do something special. I decided to go live for the first time of my life.

I sat front of my gaming computer, turning my camera towards me. Booted up the computer, then clicked on the streaming app. I made a quick video with my phone, posting it out to my fans on different social medias like YouTube and Instagram. Soon enough My phone blew up from the messages and I just took the notification off. I was amazed when I saw my YouTube blow up. It was crazy, how within a month I gained the same amount of subscribers as I did in 2 year. Funny, but also quiet scary.

I brushed it off and began streaming. There was way too many comments coming in. I couldn't even read them.

"There's too many comments guys, its' really fast and it's unpossible to read. I will have to only read the ones which have been sent by a supporter." I sighed.

I set the support amount up to £5. I didn't wanted to deal with kids who use their mom's bank car to send me money. It was enough for everyone and since I was rich I didn't needed any more money, everything was at my feet.

The fans were really nice. They requested a QNA live so I did. If they want answers I'll give them answers. So it began.

"How did you started YouTube?"
-Well, it's kinda funny but I didn't know what I was doing. I just uploaded some edited videos including vlogs, DIY's and gaming content and eventually in two years I got up here, to 1 million subscribers.

I smirked.

"Will you be releasing mech?"
-Uh, yeah some time. I am not quite sure when. You know I would like to have some merchandise but there's not strap line or a certain thing that I say. It's up for time if there will be something funny.

"What is your ultimate goal in life?"
-Well, I would love to get even bigger and maybe be in a movie. That would be cool.

And then the question came which completely shocked me...

"So, did Colby said yes to the invite?"
-Invite? Huh.

I said in shock.

"Yeah, the video you posted a few days ago." the same person sent a comment.

*Remain calm, remain calm, remain mother fucking calm.* I thought to myself. I didn't wanted everyone else to see that I had issues.

I decided to stop the stream, then began panicking again.

'What if he will hate me?' I whispered to myself.

A buzz distracted me.

"Bro, I know you are panicking but this is your time to shine. If you not take this chance you will just go back to your ordinary shitty life. It's time to get the life you always wanted. So get your fucking ass front of that shitty (but pretty cool) computer and SHINE MOTHER FUCKER." My friend sent the message.

I began to breath again. It felt like an eternity but I was breathing again. It felt good. It made me feel free. I get anxious lots of times. Maybe I should go and see a doctor or get some pills. I know it is not normal, but every since when the alcohol abuse came into my family... I never felt alive again.

*God damn it.* I whispered while sitting front of my computer.

The camera turned and the computer woke up from it's slumber. The app opened then the talk begun again.

"Sorry, for everything guys. Just a small power cut. But to go back to the subject, no I haven't received any response from Colby. But the vast majority of it was just for banter anyway." I giggled as I blushed.

Colby has always been one of my inspirations and to think that he would see the video and say yes... It feels almost impossible. But who knows. I always let fate decide instead of me and most of the time it actually worked.

The live stream was really fun. Lots of people enjoyed it and I gained extra subscribers. I did apologise for cutting the stream short, but I felt ready to make videos. I mean not right now but starting tomorrow.

Before bed I decided to see my twitter. I don't usually go on it due to lots of dms and etc. However I wanted to see what's going on. As I looked through the replies to my tweets I felt really happy. Seeing people supporting me this much is crazy. As I looked through the 20th tweet of the 60th reply I noticed something. My fans have started a new hash tag.

"#NoticeHerColby" I giggled as I read it out loud. My fans are just as crazy as I am. I still can't believe that the video is up and ugh. It's just turned into all sorts of crazy.

I took a screenshot and shared it with the captions: "You guys are crazy."

Maybe this will get his attention. Maybe I will be his new friend. 'Maybe' I whispered.

I put my phone on charge then I gently placed it onto my desk. It was time to sleep. My body rolled back and forth. However my insomnia didn't seem to give in. When I shut my eyes I felt itchy. When I turned back I was thirsty. Then the constant buzzing of my phone. *Wait, buzzing?* I looked on the desk. It was my friend again, with about 20 messages. I sat up and reached for the phone.

"Bro, Colby is streaming. Check it out." She said.

So I did.

He only started the stream 5 minutes ago so I didn't miss much. I grabbed one of my plushies and placed it onto the desk so when I put my phone on it it would hold it in a certain angle so I could see it while falling asleep. He didn't say much. Just everyday stuff that he done and the plans for future videos. Giving some hint but not enough for everyone to figure out. My eye lids got heavier and heavier by each passing minute. I was just about to fall asleep when I heard something that shook me up a little.

"So there was this cute girl..." He chuckled.

"She did a video of her upcoming prom and who knows maybe I'll visit her. I mean I always wanted to visit England." He smiled as he looked down to fidget with his fingers. He stopped talking for a few seconds than he continued on with other stuff.

At this point I was so happy but so tired that I managed to fall asleep.

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