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   "I'm guessing you don't want to be a soldier?" Louis asked me as I drove down the road to our shared condo.

   "Who the hell said that." I ask as I groan at the old man in front of us who slowly moved to finally cross the street.

   "you acted like your d*ck was bent Zayn." I turn my head side ways to look at Louis, he was constantly making up his own sayings.

   "I was acting like what?" I ask cracking my first and probably last smile of the day.

  "your d*ck was bent...don't act dumb everyone says it Zayn." I would've been straight up and told him how false this was but I could tell by the way he ignored me he actually thought this was true.

   "I wasn't being rude just skeptical, you get too excited and you don't notice the bad things." I remind him as we finally pull into our condo's parking lot.

   "Whatever, their whole family seems sweet, and plus we're working for Liam Payne...he's like a legend In the business and he's so fucking hot." Louis admits as I turn the car off.

   I shake my head." Louis, don't get any Ideas, Liam is with Harry." I quickly inform while I get out of the car and head up to our place.

   "F*ck He's hot too and their son or whatever...wait do you think they ever have threesomes?." I just roll my eyes as we walk into our half million dollor bachelor pad.

  Me and Louis are very succesful adult film actors, pretty much everyone knows us. I've been in the business longer than Louis but when he started at age 19 he rocketed to fame because of his nice ass ....hence his Cover name Niko Hills.

  "Well, lets look over these contracts." I say as I pull my sweater off and throw it on the living room floor.

  "Answer my question." Louis demands as he sits right next to me his arm reaching over me so he could grab an apple.

   "What question Louis." I say emphasizing the s on the end of his name because he was annoying the hell out of me.

   "Don't say my name like that, just because we live in California now doesn't mean you can talk like an American." He says before biting into his apple.

   "OK, now what question." I say, wanting to get this over with.

   "Do you think they have threesomes?" I looked straight at him and he just continued to smile.

   "No." I reply before opening the contract up to look at the first page.

   "Really, I think they gang up on the blonde one." I was really trying to ignore Louis but he just doesn't know how to be quiet.

   "Louis there is no way that little blonde kid would let his dad and boyfriend f*ck him..he's way too dumb and naive and innocent." I say trying to finalize the whole conversation but he just shrugs before throwing his half eaten apple in the sink.

   "I'd f*ck Neil in a second." Louis admits which just topped the chart for me so I grabbed my contract and went to my room, plus I needed my glasses.

  "Sorry, just being honest." I groaned when I realize he was following me, I could just slam the door in his face but he's like my little brother kinda.

   "Ok first of all his name is Niall not Neil and second Louis, look over you contract so I can do the same." I yell before grabbing my glasses off of my night stand and sitting on my bed.

  Louis sighs like a little kid before flopping on my bed too. "If I look over my whole contract, without stopping...what do I get?" he asked before moving closer to me, kissing my cheek.

Eighteen and up.~Ziall~Where stories live. Discover now