The winner!!!

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The winner out of the three fics is Flight Attendant....only It is no longer called Flight Attendant..It is called Flying sober.

It is also about to be posted with its first chapter in about 60 seconds..I understand a lot of you wanted me to do rush...sos I'm thinking I may just have to do both because I really don't want to disappoint any of you.

 Now if either of the fics lose any of my reader interest..i may just have to forfeit it..because a girl can only write so I still have 18&up to finish lol..I constantly make new fics its almost sacrilegious but I can't help it I have so many Ideas flowing through my mind!!!!

 Now first comment on Flying Sober gets a dedication on the next chapter of 18 and up!!!!!!!! I hope you all enjoy and comment because comments warm my heart so much!!!!

Eighteen and up.~Ziall~Where stories live. Discover now