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So once again I was left stranded by another guy, I really know how to pick them. Although this time it seemed to hurt more than when Sebastian left me back on the curb at the studio. I couldn't help but wonder what the hell this cure thing was for Zayn but, as of right now I was too distracted by the sight of a distraught Louis stumbling up the steps.

  "Fuck..you sc-scared the hell out of me." I stood up off of Zayn and Louis worn out welcome mat and just looked at him confused.

 "What happened, why are you crying?" I ask before moving out of his way so that he could unlock the door, he just moved past me and opened the door, I guess deciding I wasn't the one to tell.

  "Where's Zayn?" He asked as he slid his feet out of his shoes and threw his keys in a brown basket near the door.

   "I don't know he left with some dude..and his cure." Louis flipped on the lights and sighed before turning to look at me.

  "Was this guy short and stocky..brown hair?" I could sense annoyance in his voice but I just nod, He sighs once again before flipping the lights off walking to slip into his shoes, and finally grabbing the keys out of the basket.

 "Whats wrong?" I ask as he waves for me to follow him out the door. We quickly run down the stairs the air thick with curiosity radiating off of me mostly.

  "Look I know Zayn is going to be pissed at me for bringing you along, but maybe he needs someone else to tell him this is wrong." I get into Louis' car and my heart seems to start beating quickly.

  "Is he alright." I mumble, because i didn't want to seem as worried as I am especially since he just left me by myself at his condo.

 "Hopefully, but then again with Zayn you never know." My head snaps towards him, I don't know if he was playing...but...I hope so..I mean I don't wish anything bad on any person and its no different for Zayn.

 "Niall if you really care about Zayn like I now you do..then you need to see this side of him." i roll my eyes at Louis' comment he obviously must think Zayn is a angel if he thinks i like him I mean not one sane person would like a ocd, angry porn star...not one.

   "Well I think you over think my kindness." i cross my arms over my chest as he begins to make his way down a long drive way. I don't know whose house were at but whoever it is they have money.

  "Alright, so when we go in here don't talk to too many people, I don't want you to get involved with someone you shouldn't." I know I'm seventeen, but there's a teen at the end of that word.. I'm not a little kid.

  "Whose house is this?" I question while I get out of his car and begin to follow him inside. 

 "Bass' house." I almost scream, I can't not be excited to be here I mean, holy heaven.

 Louis doesn't even knock on the door, he just twist the knob and it opens, Music was blaring and it was crowded with men and women, some women making out with men.. some men making out with women, women with women and my personal favorite men making out with men. Let's just say I was very happy yet intimidated with my settings.

  "Jake, Jake!" Louis shouted, his voice is pretty loud so I wasn't surprised that a short fit guy turned to meet the both of us with a smile.

"Lou, 2 visits in the past week.. I should Invite Zayn over more often." Louis' didn't seem annoyed when he said this which was weird to me because he seemed annoyed the whole car ride here.

  "Where is he?" Louis asked, his voice soft as he lets his  fingers run through his fringe. Jake leans to his right and comes in better sight of me, and his eyes pop, I knew my face was red.

Eighteen and up.~Ziall~Where stories live. Discover now