Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Wait, what?"

Quinn froze in her spot as the words came out of his mouth, positive that her heart had completely stopped beating as an ache spread throughout her chest. Her stomach sank painfully as her mouth fell open, a ringing in her ears blocking out the noise of passing cars. She couldn't move or think, stunned as his sentence repeated over and over again in her head.

"You're kind of engaged?" she asked as her eyes bulged, still trying to wrap her mind around his bombshell, "I mean are you or aren't you? You can't "kind of" marry someone Puck."

"We're engaged," he chuckled, shuffling his feet as he looked down, "and I wanted to tell Beth tonight but I knew if anyone should know first it should be you." Quinn averted her gaze as he finally looked at her, fighting back the hot tears that were burning her eyes.

"Why-why me?" she tried to ask nonchalantly, her voice cracking as she forced herself to speak, "I mean why would I matter?"

"Because Quinn...its you," Puck said softly, "and I-I don't know, I care about what you think." Quinn's heart fluttered at the small smile he flashed her, Quinn wishing Puck would stop being so god damn cute so she could be mad at him.

"Plus if Beth came home and told you first I think I'd have hell to pay," he laughed, "So, what do you think?" Quinn paused as she played the scenarios out in her head of what she would say, trying to imagine how each would go.

There was the one where she ignored the pain in her chest and the voice in her head, lying through her teeth as she wished him well while picking up the pieces of her shattered heart. The one where she would bite her tongue until it bled and smile while hugging him tightly, only to let him go back to Robyn and away from her. And after she had put on her show and hit her marks she would get in her car and sob as she drove home, cursing herself for holding back all the things that would have made him hers.

Then there was the one where Quinn cried and broke down in front of him, pouring out her heart as she screamed she loved him. She would tug on his shirt and pull him close, pleading for him to love her, to pick her and be with her. She would give a speech about the past few years and all her regrets, apologizing for being stubborn and asking him to forgive her. Then he'd say something cliché and she'd smile, he'd kiss her softly and in one moment she would get her fairytale ending, glass slipper and all. But Quinn wasn't his princess and this was no fairytale she realized, his voice suddenly pulling her back to reality.

"Quinn?" Puck called as he stared at her. She looked up into his bright hazel eyes, wanting nothing more than pull him towards her and kiss him. She paused before finally speaking, forcing her lips into a smile as she twisted her face.

"I'm happy if you're happy" she forced out while grinning, almost choking on the words as they tumbled from her mouth, "I mean if this is what you want then I support you." Support was her choice word there. See she did support Puck, but nowhere in that sentence did it include Robyn, and just because she supported him didn't mean in any way she cared for/liked/loved the situation whatsoever.

"Good, that's great," Puck smiled, "Now all I have to do is tell mom and Sarah...awesome."

"Oh come on, they'll be happy for you," Quinn said as she nudged his foot playfully, wishing he would stop talking soon so she could climb inside her car and die already.

"Mhm I don't know," Puck said as he raised an eyebrow.

"Why not? They like Robyn don't they?" Quinn asked as hope filled what was left of her heart.

"Well yeah," he said awkwardly, "but-"

"But what?"

"She's not you." Quinn felt another twinge in her stomach, Puck's words twisting her heart into another knot.

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