Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"We're meeting there at eight, so you better hurry your cute ass up! And wear something skanky on that ass as well!" Quinn laughed as she straightened the last part of her hair, giggling into the receiver as Kurt ordered her around.

"Oh Kurt, I love when you boss me around like that," she cooed into the phone while he sighed on the other end.

"Anything for you baby, now hurry up! I can't wait to watch the soap opera that has become your life!"

"I know right?" Quinn groaned while brushing through her hair once more before leaving the bathroom, "I feel like I'm trapped in some bad WB show."

"Its actually the CW," Kurt corrected.


"Nothing. Just hurry the hell up! I need to see this Jacob so I can include him in my fantasies tonight."

"I'm still nervous Kurt, I mean what if this backfires?" Quinn asked while adjusting her dress, "I mean what if instead of getting jealous and wanting me more he thinks I've moved on and lets me go?"

"Seriously Quinn?" Kurt asked as he scoffed, "This is the guy who beat up Karofsky for saying you had shiny hair! Please, there is no way he's just gonna let you go to some guy, trust me."

"Ok, ok," Quinn laughed as she grabbed her purse and keys, "You win."

"When have I not?" he chuckled, sighing as he spoke again, "Well anyways, me and Merc are picking up Rach and Finn since he's screwed up their van, so I've gotta go clean out my car and adjusts my seats for Franken feet."

"Alright, well Jacob should be here any minute so I'll see you in twenty."

"Bye Ho!"

"Bye Mo!" Quinn hung up the phone and headed out to her car, bubbling about the nights events.

Once a month Mr. Schue and Emma would watch the kids and the group would go out for a huge date night, usually heading to dinner and then a movie or whatever else they could get into. It was always the same every time, Puck and Robyn, Finn and Rachel, Artie and Tina, Mercedes and her boyfriend Trey, with Kurt and Quinn rounding off the group. Things usually went pretty well and they always had a good time, despite the group having to hold back their gag reflexes whenever Robyn would speak.

Tonight would be different though, seeing as Mercedes had recently broken up with her loser beau. Quinn knew it was the perfect opportunity to bring along Jacob, leaving Mercedes and Kurt to partner up so no one would be left out. She could see Puck's face now as she daydreamed of walking into the restaurant with Jacob, her friends awing while Puck clenched his fists in anger and furrowed his brow. Jacob was literally tall, dark, and handsome, with olive smooth skin and bright green eyes. He was built and ripped, his muscles bulging in a way that even rivaled the likes of Puck's, and Quinn was more than anxious to see the reactions when they arrived.

"So before she leaves she comes back to me, pulls me down and kisses me, then smacks my ass and say's, "It was good for me too." The table roared with laughter as Jacob finished telling his story, her friends having fallen in love with Quinn's date.

They had arrived and were greeted with hugs and hellos, Jacob taking to them instantly and fitting right in with her friends. He, Finn, and Artie had bonded over basketball while the girls had swooned, Kurt immediately planning out how their wedding would go. While they had all been laughing and chatting away Puck had been sulking the whole time, shooting evil glares in their direction while shrugging them all off.

"So now how did you two meet?" Robyn pried as they finished eating, taking every opportunity she had to nose in Quinn's business.

"At work," Jacob said while smiling at Quinn, "We were in the middle of changing shifts and I saw this pretty little thing changing out of her scrubs. Needless to say she had me right there, hot pink undies and all." Quinn blushed as she playfully swatted him, Robyn gasping as Puck clenched his jaw.

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