Chapter 13

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So, final chapter. I want to thank everyone who reviewed and added this story to their alerts and favorites, all of ya'll are so sweet and I appreciate it all! I hope you guys enjoy the last chapter and thanks again!

"I object."

The gasp that echoed throughout the church was shared by Quinn, who had placed her hand over her mouth at first thinking it was her. She soon realized that the direction every head had turned was not towards her, but towards the front of the church to the man who had spoken up as he shook his head, the one and only Noah Puckerman.

He had been watching as Robyn made her way down the aisle, Puck waiting anxiously for the vows. He had been creating scenarios in his head of what would happen and how things would unfold, when he suddenly saw Quinn at the back of the church with an expression on her face that broke his heart. She looked broken and betrayed, Puck knowing she must have been so confused by the scene laying out in front of her. He jerked forward to stop her as he saw her try to run, Robyn and her bee hive of a veil clouding his vision.

It was then that Puck had decided to end things then and there, unable to wait until the vows to hold back the truth any longer. He wanted Quinn to know, wanted her to see, that he had been honest about his feelings and that he wasn't going to run from them anymore. He had waited years to finally have her and he wasn't about to wait another minute, his voice breaking through the music and shocking everyone.

"What?" Robyn frantically threw her veil off, turning towards Puck and throwing her hands up, "Puck-"

"I second that motion!" Finn chimed in.

"Third right here!" Rachel shouted as she stepped out from behind the door and beside Quinn.

"Aw hell yeah, you got my vote too!" Mercedes yelled as she took the other side.

"Four for me, count me!" Beth squealed as she raised her tiny hand frantically.

"Well if we're all speaking up," Artie said as he raised his small hand, Tina quickly running up beside him to roll him down while putting hers in the air.

"TEAM QUINN!" Everyone turned to see Burt shrieking loudly as he stood up, fist held high as Carole tried to pull him down. Silence fell over the church at they took in the scene, everyone confused between looking at Puck, Robyn and the protestors.

"Puck, what is this?" Robyn asked in shock, "Honey what are you doing?"

"Don't honey me," he said angrily, slowly stepping down the steps, "Don't even pretend like you don't know what's going on-"

"Puck please-"

"Robyn shut up!" Puck screamed loudly, the crowd issuing out another gasp as he growled. "Jesus Christ do you ever stop talking? You've pushed me around and ignored me long enough, and now its my turn so keep your goddamn mouth shut and listen up."

"Noah, Noah," Puck turned sharply to see his mother stand, "Sweetie please, language. This is the house of the continue." Puck nodded and respected her wishes, turning back to Robyn and carrying on.

"For the past month you've done nothing but sabotage my life. You tried to push away my friends, my family, Quinn, everyone I care about! You've controlled and deceived me and just expected me to go along for the ride because why? I knocked you up?"

"I OBJECT!" The crowd turned once more to see Kurt barreling down the aisle, running blindly past Quinn, Rachel, and Mercedes as he continued to scream, "I OBJECT, I OBJECT."

"Get in line," Burt mumbled, receiving another slap from Carole.

"What the hell now?" Robyn asked angrily, glaring at Kurt as he stopped to catch his breath.

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