Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Would you just shut up and turn around! I can't see how big your boobs are with you fidgeting!"

Quinn groaned as Kurt tightened the straps on the bikini top, smiling broadly when he had it just right. They were shopping for bathing suits for Beth's upcoming birthday party, Kurt dragging Quinn to the mall for the "perfect Puckerman" bathing suit. While she wasn't exactly thrilled about slinking around half naked, she knew Puck was a sucker for anything red and tight.

"Seriously Quinn, even in cold water that boy is gonna be sweating it when you show up in this," Kurt assured her as he adjusted the small bottoms, "I mean damn, even I'm thinking of switching teams." Quinn laughed as she turned around in the dressing room, trying to get a better view of just how much of her ass was hanging out.

"I guess it isn't that sluttty," she said as she tugged the top higher, "We do have to remember this is a six year olds birthday though."

"We do have to remember this is an ample opportunity to get your man back!" Kurt snapped as he began pushing her boobs up, "And we aren't taking any chances here." Quinn nodded in agreement, Kurt informing her awhile ago that she would have to let go of pretty much every moral she had if she wanted this to work.

"Just think of the fire crotch's face when you show up in this little number," Kurt encouraged in her ear while he turned her to face the mirror, "Just imagine what that little twit will be saying to you then." Quinn had informed her friends of the altercation that had gone down outside the restaurant, Mercedes beginning to pull out her weave while Artie drunkenly tried to rev up his wheelchair. They had all then agreed to help Quinn do whatever it took, Rachel offering to put out a hit while Finn planned to execute it.

"You're right Kurt, you're absolutely right," Quinn said as she shook her insecurity away and pumped herself up, "Tie it tighter, let's see how high we can get these suckers to go."

"That's my girl!"

"Mama we gotta hurry, someone might blow out my candles before me!"

Quinn laughed as she pulled into Rachel and Finn's drive, adjusting her bathing suit once more before climbing out.

"Alright sweetie, you ready for your big day?"

"Yes!" Beth squealed while wiggling in her seat, "Now let me free, let me free!" Quinn quickly unbuckled the child and watched as she sprinted across the lawn, opening the backyard gate and waving goodbye as she headed for her party.

"Good lord," Quinn chuckled while grabbing her bag, closing the door and following behind. She was astounded as she walked into the backyard, Rachel and Finn having transformed it into a princess themed pool party complete with huge fountains and different sprinklers and water slides. Quinn watched in amusement as Finn barreled down one of them, screaming girlishly as he splashed into the pool.

"I swear he's worse than the kids," Rachel said as she walked out of the backdoor, stopping abruptly while looking at Quinn.

"Well look at you!" she exclaimed as she put down a stack of plastic cups, hurrying to Quinn and pulling her in for a hug, "You just put us all to shame in that!" Quinn blushed a little as she tugged at the strings, wishing Kurt would have at least let her wear the sarong she had bought.

"You think I look alright?" she whispered self consciously, "I mean its not too much is it?"

"Not at all!" Rachel said as she swatted at her, "Seriously Quinn, you look good!" Quinn thanked her as they walked towards the table, Mercedes and Tina's jaws dropping at the sight of her.

"So you do have an ass white girl!" Mercedes said as she leaned back, "'Bought time she started showing it off."

"Quinn you're beautiful," Tina said sweetly, "There is no way-"

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