Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Mama I do NOT want to wear a stupid dress."

Quinn sighed as she helped Beth out of the car, the little girl crossing her tiny arms over her chest as she pouted. They were at the bridal shop for Beth's flower girl fitting, Quinn just as unpleased about the day as Beth. Puck had tried to get off of work to take Beth, wanting to save the two women from having an all out cat fight, but he was unable to so here Quinn was.

"I know baby, but you're the flower girl and flower girl's wear dresses."

"Well I don't wanna be some dumb flower girl," Beth grumbled, Quinn grabbing the little girl's hand and leading her inside.

"I understand hun, but because you love your daddy your gonna do this ok?" Beth continued to mope as they headed inside the shop, Quinn being greeted with a loud coo as Robyn greeted her.

"Well here she is! My beautiful little flower girl!" the woman squealed as she forced Beth into a hug, the little girl grimacing as she planted big lipstick kisses on her cheeks.

"And Quinn, always a pleasure," she said as she stuck her hand out, Quinn nodding in response as she turned to Beth.

"We won't be here long baby, I promise," Quinn assured the little girl as she wiped her cheeks off, "And because you're being so good, mama is gonna take you out for ice cream." They heard another squeal and turned to see Robyn holding up a small white dress, both girls groaning as they looked it over. Robyn must have bought every roll of lace and frill there was in Lima, every inch of the dress covered in the fabric. There were large white flowers of the puffed sleeves, as well as strings of pearls and large bows covering the remaining space. Beth turned from the dress and pulled her mother down, her hands squishing Quinn's cheeks as she whispered in her ear.

"I better get the biggest freakin' ice cream cone Dairy Queen has," she whispered menacingly, following Robyn to the dressing room while Quinn laughed. She stood back up and suddenly realized she was surrounded by Robyn's friends and family, the group staring daggers at her as she waved.

"Uh-er-hi," she said softly, the women rolling their eyes and turning away to gossip about her.

"She is just going to be a vision," Robyn smiled as she emerged from the fitting rooms, waiting beside Quinn for Beth to show off her dress.

"I'm sure," Quinn agreed sarcastically as she plopped down in one of the chairs, leaning her head back in exhaustion as she closed her eyes. She could hear Robyn shuffling around and sitting beside her, the feel of the woman's cold hand on hers snapping her eyes back open.

"Quinn, I think we need to talk," she said politely, her signature sweet voice crawling up Quinn's skin.

"And what could we possibly have to talk about?" Quinn snapped, having nothing to say to a woman who threatened her.

"Well, I just feel like you and I got off on a bad start," Robyn oozed, Quinn wishing she could smack that smile right off of her.

"What are you talking about? We never even began," Quinn interrupted, Robyn taken back at being cut off.

"Well-I-I just don't want there to be any awkwardness," she continued, "I mean after all, you and I will be sharing a life together soon and-"

"You and I? We share nothing, got it? We're nothing more than an arranged marriage, forced together by the most unholy circumstances," Quinn snapped, Robyn glaring as she spoke. The woman was about to sputter out something when Beth appeared, Quinn's heart melting at the sight of her little girl.

"Oh honey, you're beautiful," Quinn gushed, standing up and walking towards the flustered child, "It actually isn't as horrendous when you're wearing it."

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