Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Time seemed to stop when Quinn leaned into Puck, everything surrounding her fading as she closed her eyes. Her heart, which had previously been racing in her chest, was now at a slow thud and her mind had gone absolutely blank, Quinn completely oblivious to everything except Puck. She had been afraid and anxious as she had placed her hands on his cheeks, petrified that he would push her away and be angry, those few seconds before she pressed her lips to his absolutely terrifying Quinn. She could now no longer care, knowing every decision she had made had been right as his lips met hers.

It was almost as if her mouth had been set on fire, electricity pulsing between them as Quinn closed the space. His lips were soft and warm like Quinn had imagined, pulling his face lower so she could have as much of him as she could get. She was completely lost in Puck and their kiss, finally having the fairytale moment she had longed for. Their chemistry was beyond undeniable, Quinn knowing full damn well he had felt it too and she prayed it could last forever.

The sudden feeling of his hands on her waist awoke her from the dream like sequence she had been having in her head, Quinn pulling back suddenly and gasping for air. She opened her eyes to see an expressionless Puck, eyes wide and lips swollen as he stared at her. The touch of him had shaken her back into reality, Quinn's heart beginning to beat again as her mind ran rampant. Quinn's stomach dropped as she realized what she had done, praying he would say something, anything to let her know how he felt.

"Puck," she said softly, feeling foolish now for having to apologize, "I am-" Quinn soon realized Puck hadn't been trying to stop her earlier during their kiss, as he was now lunging at her ferociously while taking her face in his hands.

He pushed her against the fitting room wall forcefully and captured her lips with his, kissing her harder than she'd ever been kissed while pressing himself against her. Quinn had been caught off guard by the movement but responded quickly, her hands finding their way up his back and tugging on his shirt to bring him closer. His legs intertwined with hers as his hands roamed her body, Puck's finger's tangling themselves in her blonde locks as his other hand slid up her thigh and ruffled the thin slip she had on. Quinn deepened their kiss as her tongue slipped in between his lips, Puck moaning into her mouth while her hands began un-tucking his shirt. He matched her as both his hands found the backs of her legs, Puck thrusting her up while pushing himself between them. Quinn wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, forcing him against her as she dug her nails into his shirt.

They both gasped for air momentarily, quickly breaking their lips apart but keeping their eyes on the other. Puck quickly returned his lips to Quinn's body, his mouth finding the sensitive crook of her neck and sucking softly on the skin. Quinn moaned in response as she unlatched her nails from his back, dragging them to his chest and clawing at the buttons on his shirt. She tightened her legs around his waist as he moved his hands back to her thighs, Puck forcing her slip up while his fingers searched frantically for her panties. Between their heavy panting and soft moans neither heard the tiny foot steps that had re-entered the room, little Beth calling out as she began pushing open the dressing room doors one by one.

"Mama?" Quinn frantically pushed Puck away as they stared at one another in horror, their passionate moment interrupted as reality set in once more.

"Where are you mama?" Quinn planted her feet back on the floor as she pulled at the slip and threw on her clothes, Puck hastily buttoning his shirt as he tried to think away the tightness in his jeans.

"Mama, you still here?" Quinn turned to the mirror and tried to fix the knotted mess on her head, noticing her lips were red and her face flushed.


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