Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"We're having a baby."

The room fell silent as the words left Robyn's lips, everyone's mouths gaping open in unison as hers turned into a grin. No one moved and no one spoke, gasping and inaudible sounds not even present. The silverware didn't clang loudly against the plates and cups weren't even overturned from shock, the room appearing to hold nothing more than mannequins as the words sunk into each of their minds.

Robyn continued standing with a huge smile plastered on her face, only her eyes moving left and right as she took in their reactions. She moved from a horrified Artie to a stunned Tina, onto a dumbfounded Kurt and incoherent Rachel. As her eyes shifted from friend to friend they finally rested on Quinn, Robyn drinking in her expressionless response and smiling a little wider while enjoying the moment.

Quinn could have literally crumbled before their very eyes, now having learned in the most painful way that it was actually possible to feel your heart physically break. Her cheeks flushed hot and pink with embarrassment as warm tears of sadness filled them, her lips quivering automatically as she clenched her jaw. She felt as if someone had kicked her in the gut, her stomach now a knotted mess of gut wrenching nausea. She had lost the ability to breath some time ago, Quinn positive that she was drowning as she sat in her seat. Her heart, her poor tattered and shattered heart was somehow still beating in her painfully tight chest, the only proof she was still alive being the rapid drum roll in her ears that droned out everything else. Quinn felt as if she was Cinderella, having only seconds left until she unraveled and fell apart, so she quickly stood up to leave without so much as a word. She stumbled a bit as she pushed her chair back, Quinn dizzy as she scrambled for a way out.

She had barely closed the back door when she sunk to her knees on the steps, any and every emotion she had in her small body pouring out into her hands. She was distraught and hurt that he was moving on, livid and betrayed that he had said he loved her, embarrassed and mortified that she had sunk so low as to play games to win him back, and dirty and shameful at how she had kissed and thrown herself at him. Quinn struggled between choking on sobs and biting back screams, becoming exhausted as she leaned against the door frame. She wondered if this was payback for trying to steal away a taken man, guilt now adding on to the long list of emotions that were pulsing through her fragile frame.

Quinn felt as if she had been crying forever, her weeping now turning into painful hiccups for air. She knew that eventually someone would take one for the team and come get her, wondering who would have the balls to console the wretched mess she had become. The sound of the door creaking open behind her solidified her instinct, Quinn not even bothering to turn around to see the courageous soul who was attempting to comfort her. She almost wiped the dark trails of wet mascara off her face but quickly decided against it, her desire to appear perfect and graceful fading as her hand sank down in exasperation. She lacked the capacity to care anymore, about anything really, her need to hide and protect herself behind a shield now long gone. Quinn was no longer concerned if anyone saw her cry or breakdown since everyone of them knew the truth, her brave face now turning into a meager and desperate attempt to look tough.

"Quinn," a light voice said softly while they shuffled down the steps, Finn now appearing beside her and resting on the handrail.

"I'll be in-in a sec," she sputtered out softly, feeling that if she closed her eyes tight enough he wouldn't be able to see her.

"Quinn," he said again, sitting beside her and covering her soft hand with his rough one. The puffiness around her eyes and sniffling from her nose made him uncomfortable, Finn knowing he could have prevented the whole disaster if he would've told her the truth. He contemplated being honest but decided against it, Quinn already having enough pain and secrets to deal with.

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