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After the MANIA tour we were finally home and I was having my first practice. It went really well. After practice we went to the park where they said they had to tell us something. We sat down and listened. Pete and Dad looked nervous.
Patrick:we have to send you girls to school
Jenna:ok but I'm never the nice kid
Pete:we all know but we want you with higher education and get good grades
Mackenzie: ok
Jenna: it's ok
Andy:it'll be boring with out you girls
Mackenzie: we know
A little later we were at home and I was in my room playing my guitar and singing when Andy came in and watched I really didn't feel comfortable but I let him. Once I finished I put it down and he sat down and hugged me I hugged back. He was like a big brother to me. I smiled.
Andy: I have something to tell you
Jenna: what
Andy: Patrick is your birth dad I got a strand of your hair and his and took it in and they ran tests and finds out your related and he's your birth father.
Jenna: that explains why I look like him
Andy: yeah but if Patrick finds out he might get mad so can we tell him together
Jenna: of course
Me and Andy went to the living room and told him together he was quite happy. I was happy about it to. A little later I was playing with Rubee and Declan. They are so cute.
Patrick's POV
This explains why Jenna looks so much like me. I'm happy to know she is blood related to me. I'm surprised she wasn't mad about her mom lying to her but then again she doesn't have her mom she has Elisa. Me and Elisa were talking and decided to let her drink for the first time and invite her bf over.
Jenna:I can get drunk
Patrick: yes but remember if you lose anything I won't be mad I will always support you. I'm an emo band for a reason
Jenna: thanks Dad
She invited Jack and he came over and they drank a lot. The last thing I remember is them making out and it went to the room.
Jenna's POV
The next morning I woke up naked next to Jack. I quickly got up and got dressed and noticed blood on the bed. Did we take it to far to early. I was thinking so many things and he woke up and saw it.
A few months later I felt sick in my stomach I'm like 17 years old so I can't be pregnant. Can I? So I called Jack and asked if we used a condum he said he couldn't remember. I told him what was happening and he got happy if we would be parents. I was freaking out of what my dad would say. I went in the bathroom and grabs one of Elisa's tests and took it. A few minutes later I read it.
Jenna: shit
Mackenzie: what
Mackenzie had just walked in and I showed her. She gasped because it said I had been pregnant for a few months. I started crying so she comforted me and then Dad walked in.
Patrick: what's wrong
Jenna: nothing
Mackenzie: Jenna you have to tell
Jenna Fine. Promise you won't get mad
Patrick: I told you I would support you no matter what
Jenna: I'm p-pregnant
Patrick: your very young but congrats
Jenna: thanks Dad
We all worked out how it was gonna be after Jack came over to talk with us. We decided me and Jack would get an apartment together and FOB and Mackenzie would visit everyday

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