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     Jenna's POV
     The next morning I woke up beside Jack. I looked over and smiled as I was happy to be home. I got up and went to the kitchen and realized I was at the Fall Out Boy house. I ran into Joe on the way. I was about to make a joke but I saw he was on the phone with his wife. I smiled at him and continued to walks to the kitchen.
     I got to the kitchen and looked for stuff. I grabbed the pancake mix and some chocolate chips I then made the mix and added chocolate chips. Before putting them on the stove I ran to the bathroom. I knew about the baby being killed but I still took a pregnancy test. I waited a little then read it. Negative. I burst out into tears. A mother is supposed to protect there child not let it die. I went back in the kitchen and continued cooking.

A little while later I was playing softball put on the field. I like baseball but 'it's a sport for men' I think women should play to. After softball I went home and I was living with my dad again because he didn't want me out of his sight. I went to my room to find his old guitar I picked it up and played and sung Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time.
Patrick's POV
    I went to Jennas room and heard her playing my old guitar and singing. Her voice is like mine. It only goes with only some music. I can't sing every song and sound good and I guess she can't. I went in to see Jack watching her with his jaw hanging open. I guess he hasn't heard her sing. She turned around and stopped. Me and Jack clapped our hands. She giggled and put it down and hugged us.

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