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A/N: all the things here are just out of the author's imagination if a person looks really or personalities are the same these are just co-incidence. Not all are facts only imagination, like the songs.

And I was also thinking if I used songs I will make it like the character wrote it but another person (in real life did) I'm gonna give credits to the real writer of the song :D

Okay now enjoy


"bye mom!!! See ya later"

"Good luck with your audition"

"yeah mom I'll do my best"

Yeah only me and my mom,my brother and some sister that I have never met 'cause she's with my dad. My mom and dad separated, when I was young but my mom used to tell me that he is just at a business trip when I was young but she just told me the truth at the right age. And let's just say I didn't act like a 'mature' person. I didn't got out of my room for a week. I was just going out quickly to get some food then, done but I have my own bathroom so the bathroom is no big deal. Then after a month I got the courage to ask mom where he is, then she told me he may have a new family, died or still alone. I wish he is still alone cause I like my family to be complete again. I remembered he always takes me to the park and he bought me a dog which I named 'lily'. I remembered my mom and dad arguing about the dog my mom went on and on about the negatives of having a dog, but my dad the positives then I told my mom I wanna keep it and I made the cutest face I can do, soon she agreed. Now my dog is pregnant I don't really know when she's gonna give birth, but I think I don't wanna see it cause I hate seeing blood it gives me the creeps.

Now I'm waiting for the bus at the stop. After about 3 minutes the bus, it's there. The doors opened and I got in but not before I said hi to Mrs. Cloud, she is the bus driver, then went to the back part of the bus were I took my seat, going to my seat was like an adventure flying papers, very annoying insults and more.............

It took us about 10 minutes to arrive at school.

I was about to walk through the double doors still thinking about my father when I bumped into a person or should I say a brick wall. Then I landed on my butt then some part of my skin got scratched then I saw some blood going out, I think I was going to faint but it stopped when I saw a concerned and the most handsome face above me now, I really think I'm going to faint.

"Are you okay?" were the last words I heard before I fainted, stupid super fear of blood.

Then I felt somebody carrying me bridal style but then I saw the blood and again I fainted.

The next time I woke up I am in the school's clinic.

"oh you're awake, why did you faint anyway?" asked our nurse Mrs. Tan

"Blood" I nodded towards my shoulder

"oh great, fear of blood?" she asked half statement and half question

I nodded my head

"Anyway do you feel dizzy or anything? "

"I'm fine, but thanks"

"Don't thank me thank Mr. Williams he was the one that brought you here. What is your next class anyway?"

"Math ad who is Mr. Williams? And what is his first name? And why are you asking me what my next class is??"

"First. He is new, second his first name is James and third you are with him in that class. Make sure you thank him and move or you'll be late here just in case you get late" she said handing me a pass

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