Questions and Answers

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Isn't the Growing Up Black hashtag black people to stereotyping themselves?
No. It's simply that black cultute allows many black people to have grown up in similar ways. It's not a stereotype, this happens to anyone who shares a culture. Anyway, you're white, why are you worried about us?

Why do black people get mad about cultural "appropriation"?
Because you're taking somebodies culture and claiming for yourself. You consider our culture a trend, and when you're done with it you kick it to the side, and you don't even see how disrespectful it is.

Why is OK for you turn a white character into a person of color, but not ok to turn a poc character into a white person?
Because there is no diversity in the film/television industry and it's nice to see ourselves represented. If the diversity was there in the first place we wouldn't have force ourselves into roles.

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