This Is America

68 13 24

Let me start of by saying, if you haven't watched the This Is America music video then you're missing out.

Donald Glover managed to sum up America in one song, while nodding at his African heritage by using African beats and dances.

Here's a few things I noticed and read about the music:

1) How America seems to prize guns over people.

If you've watched the video, you'll remember when there was a happy singing choir. It was all smiling and fun times until Donald got a semi automatic (?) gun and killed the choir. This appears to be a reference at the Charleston Church shooting. After he shot them, he turned and walked away, handing the gun to someone, so it could be carefully taken away.

2) The Parkland Shooting
There were only 17 children spotted throughout the video, and there were 17 seconds of silence to honor the 17 victims.

3) How social media trends are used to cover up more important issues
While he and the children were dancing, a whole lot of stuff was happening in the background.

If you haven't watched it, go ahead and do and see what you can spot. I obviously didn't cover everything in the video.

This Is America better win some type of award.

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