Black Lives Matter

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Black Lives Matter.

At this point, I don't care what white people think about BLM. I don't care that try to silence us by scream All Lives Matter. Would you like to know why?

When you say All Lives Matter, I already know you don't think our lives matter. You're ready to argue us down when we say Black Lives Matter, but as soon something happens, you're all over Instagram and Twitter trying to justify murder.

"Well maybe if he didn't run"... What well trained officer sees a man trying running away as a threat? Even he was stealing, or whatever, that doesn't mean he should've died.

I bet if he was a nice white lady nobody would be trying to justify his murder. The idea that in order for his death to matter, or to have been wrong, because he didn't have a certain degree of perceived innocence is disgusting.

We see the police as someone that is supposed to protect us, but when it comes down to it, they are to be held at arms length. Most if not all black children have The Other Talk.

Don't come at with All Lives Matter while pretending to care about black lives. It would be different if you were saying all lives, like black lives matter too, but you're not.

Black. Lives. Matter.

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