Suicide Awareness

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About thirty or so minutes ago, I recieved a PM about someone who had posted a suicide note. I immediately went over to try and talk to the person along with a few others. I wanted to make a chapter to spread awareness.

Suicide is never the answer. Think of all the people you will hurt if you kill yourself. This not something you can come back from, and the people around you who love you will be devastated.

1. Make a list of all the good things that have happened to you
2. Make a list of all the people you care about
3. Make a list of all the people who care about you
4. Make a list of your dreams, aspirations, and goals
5. GET HELP. Suicidal feelings shouldn't be bottled up, talk to someone. There is a hotline you can call. You can even write your feelings out.

I would reccomend talking to your parents, a doctor, a minister, or a therapist.
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1800-273-8255
This is line is confidential and free. There are also websites and additional resources.

Please be mindful of the effect your words and actions have on others. Take the time to talk to people if they're having a bad day, you be what prevents them from killing themselves.

Thank you TWDLOVEREM BoyegaMe and ororotchalla.

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