As A Descendant of Slaves

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As the descendant of slaves, I don't really celebrate July 4th. Why, you may ask. Isn't that disrespectful?

No. Would you like to know what is disrespectful? Calling a day that didn't free slaves Independence Day. At least call it White Independence Day, or something.

For many black people, or my family, we don't really celebrate Independence Day. It's a day where everyone is off work, so wr gather, shoot some fireworks, eat good food, and never once do the words "Happy Independence Day" leave our mouths.

It's fine though. I'm perfectly fine with white people having a holiday all to themselves, it's not hurting me in any way at all. I'm not screaming to remove July 4th as a holiday. For America as a whole, sure, it was the day that led up in america being the oh so great nation it is today- with liberty and justice for all!

But racially? Not really. What good is Independence Day, if the men who wanted freedom weren't ready to give freedom to slaves? Their mindsets can be summed up in two words. Self serving hypocrites. Wait, that was three....

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