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@LadychatFangirl Please stop. Yall only say all lives when say black lives. All you're trying to do is silence us and dismiss us. I haven't heard a word from yall all lives matter people about Stephon Clark or any victims of police brutality. So unless you actually care about us, stop preaching all lives matter, because yalls silence is telling us that you don't actually think black lives matter. And just because we say black lives matter, doesn't mean we don't think all lives matter. We're saying that *our lives matter too*. And what does black people being racist to white people have anything to do with black lives matter?

I was reading a book called Confessions of A Homophobe (I reccomend it actually, a bunch of homophobes submit essays and their thoughts. I think the author's trying to shine a light on homophobia), and I ended up on the authors profile. I replied to the person comment with what you see above.

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