The Utter Hypocrisy of All Lives Matter

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We say Black Lives Matter, you counter with All Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter because All Lives Matter.

I believe that All Lives Matter, and I say All Lives Matter, but I have come to the conclusion that most people who say ALM. don't really believe this. The problem is that ALM was created to silence people who are protesting and fighting for equality.

If you actually protested and rallied with us, then we wouldn't get so offended when you tweet all lives matter. If you stood with us instead against, we wouldn't have a problem with that.

For so long, black people haven't been able to rely fully on white people as a whole (excluding the few lovely individuals), that we have taken it upon ourselves to start our own movements, I.e. womanism and black lives matter. As soon as we do though, people love to cry racism.

Stay pressed.

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