What can you do?

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One of my lovely readers Belalugosii asked for a chapter about how white people can be allies. I think sometimes I forget that there are white people out who are our allies. Shoutout to yall.

1. Ask people of color for their opinion on certain issues. For instance, the n-word, if something might be seen as cultural appropriation, etc.

3. Do your research. In a circle of activists or political minded people, the worst thing you can do is not be informed.

4. Acknowledge your privilege, then use it to help others.

5. Always be ready to learn, but don't be afraid to do your own research.

6. Sometimes you have to sit back and just watch and listen. Sometimes the best thing you can be is an ally.

7. Just because you aren't directly impacted by racism doesn't mean you can't call it out. It's easy to say call out racism from old Uncle Joe at Christmas dinner but that's easier said than done, so I understand if you hesitate.

8. If you're a white woman, support WOC and call out White Feminism.

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