Don't Touch My Hair

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I was listening to Don't Touch My Hair by Solange and I got the idea for this chapter.

When people touch my hair it makes me feel like a zoo animal that's being petted.
When people say "Oh wow! It's so soft!" Or "It's softer than I expected!" I don't know how to feel. Some people have a thing for textures, and for some people, it's that they expected my hair to be coarse and dry and brittle.

I was out once at an event, and I was sitting on the back row. I wore my hair out in this gorgeous afro. So I'm sitting there, minding my own business, when I feel this hand in my hair. Somebody walking by put their hands in my hair and just kept on walking.

I'm not going to lie, I was mad. My personal space had been invaded and I felt violated.
People treat kinky and kinky curly hair as exotic and unusual, and I can't count the number of times people have touched my hair without asking. I mean, I don't know where your hands have been.

My hair is normal. It is not for you to gawk at and pet (without my permission) like I'm a dog.

Although, sometimes, I do feel like "My hair looks really cool today, and that's why they're staring".

With other naturalistas though, I know they don't see my hair as something unusual. There's something awesome about walking past a sista, making eye contact, her eyes flicking up to your hair, or vice versa, and that smile that says "I like your hair".

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