11: String Connections

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Svald's little agency sat in the heart of London. It was concealed on the second floor of an office complex; rubbing shoulders with a nail salon and a rather shady publishing house (which Svald strongly suspected was a money laundering front). Once inside it was easy for the group to believe they were in a different building entirely. The office was small and warm. Perfectly cosy. The walls next to the door were lined with bookcases, each stacked with an assortment of folders, manuals, and mystery novels. A little in front of the back wall sat a carefully polished oak desk. This to was covered with stacks of folders and papers. Above the desk hung the golden plaque, dull and scratched, that read the words 'Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency' and in smaller letters 'We solve the whole case. We find the whole person or cat'.

"As opposed to finding only of the person?" Asked Todd as he stared up at the sign.

"Oh well you know how it is. You think you're doing a good deed by returning a loved to their family and the next thing you know it's all 'Ooh where's his leg? He had two when he went missing. How are we supposed to finish the village fun run now?'" Svald mocked in a shrill voice. He headed over the desk and began pulling out blank pieces of paper from the bottom draw. He frantically scribbled the names that Victoria had given him onto them and stuck them to the wall with blu-tac. From the desk he received a ball of string and a handful of pins. It was crazy theory board time.

"Is this really necessary?" Asked Richard.

"Everything I do is necessary." Svald scowled. "Now connections. Dirk, you're up."

"Um that's not really how it works." Said Dirk.

"Nonsense. Give it a whirl." He threw the multi-coloured string ball towards him. Almost reflexively Dirk caught it. Luckily, Svald didn't try to throw the pins. Dirk was allowed to collect those himself.

"Alright, so Victoria is connected to Robert." Said Dirk was he drew a line between their names in string. "But Robert works late so he wasn't present at the majority of disappearances." He continued as he ripped Robert's name free.

"So he's useless." Said Svald.

"No change there then." Richard mumbled.

"Victoria and Robert are both connected to the babysitter, Lulu." Said Dirk was he pointed to her name hanging loosely on the plaster.

"Interesting?" Asked Todd.

"Very. Lulu has been present at 75% of the vanishings and started acting weirdly about two weeks before they even began." Dirk explained. He waved his hands excitedly. Todd smiled, Dirk was so easily entertained when on a case. It was like his weird little world lit up.

"So she's responsible?" Asked Richard.

"No, here's the thing. Lulu quit without warning a few days ago." He continued.

"And yet the disappearances continue." Noted Svald.

"So...interesting but not relevant." Said Todd.

"Maybe we could get hold of her. Victoria must have her number." Said Richard.

"Not any more. Victoria left a note next to her name 'lost contact'." Svald told him. "We can't get to her. We're back to square one."

"They're not really social. Robert's mother was there once, his sister at three, and a family friend at nine." Dirk listed.

"Richard at one. That's four irregular influences, none of whom can really be considered suspects." Said Svald.

"So surely Lulu is our best bet." Decided Todd.

"Perhaps so." Mumbled Svald. He knew that strange behaviour and a string of events that simply didn't match up was par for the course. Just because the sum didn't add up didn't mean it wasnt correct. Still 75% was a little too low to be considered concrete, even for him.

"How many has Victoria been at?" Asked Todd.

"95%. Why? Are you suggesting Victoria is doing this herself?" Asked Svald.

"Um...yes?" Todd replied. Not that he really knew for sure what he was suggesting. A year ago he would have kept his mouth shut, presuming the question was a stupid passing thought. Nowadays all his ideas came flooding out. Perhaps spending so much time with Dirk had destroyed his mental barrier. After all he could never be sure which little tit bit would be vitally important later down the line.

"Are you kidding me?" Richard snapped.

"Don't ever rule anyone out, Richard." Asserted Svald.

"Svald, why would she rob her house? And why would she hire a detective to solve it?" Asked Richard.

"I don't know. Keep those questions in mind and be sure to ask her tomorrow." Said Svald as he grabbed his coat.

"Where are you going?" Asked Dirk.

"It's five o clock. I'm going home. See yourself out. Or don't. I'll see you here tomorrow at nine either way." He nodded before leaving, close the door behind him.

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