15: The Meeting

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Osmond Priest wasn't used to being allowed anywhere near command. After all, his career wasn't strictly legal and the fact he was allowed onto Blackwing property at all was a small miracle. Even now, as he walked through Wilson's pristine office corridors he knew he wasn't supposed to be there. They didn't want him, they wanted Adams.

To Hell with Adams. He was a little gem of potential wrapped up in fire and morals. His own iron clan attachments kept him tethered to a code that didn't exist. Adams was the kind of guy Blackwing liked to pretend they needed; the headstrong, smiling face of dark government. Priest knew that Blackwing really needed was him; a man with a gun that wasn't afraid to use it.

He entered the dark room that was filled with glaring screens. He stood in front of a long, glistening black table that shone under the electronic light. Once upon a time a mixture of generals and government officials would be seated at both sides. Now, only Wilson sat at the end of the table.

"Where is Supervisor Adams?" Wilson asked without looking up from his jurisdiction request. It always impressed Priest how she could almost sense a person's presence. It was a talent of her's.

"Adams is...dealing with some personal issues right now. I'll be taking this meeting on his behalf." Priest explained.

"Do you think you're qualified to discuss such high level decisions?" She asked.

"I have been apart of Blackwing since day one, mam." He reminded her.

"Yes, well that's not very reassuring is it?" Wilson sighed. She placed the paper aside and looked up at the man's deadpan expression. "So...jurisdiction extension."

"Yes, mam." Priest nodded.

"To England." She continued.

"Yes, mam." Priest repeated.

"I'm going to be frank with you, Mr Priest. You have no chance of getting this verified." Wilson told him bluntly.

"And why is that?" Priest challenged.

"We have no interest in Project Athos. She yielded no meaningful results as a child and she doesn't appear to be dangerous directly or indirectly. Gaining the money and the resources to bring her back to America wouldn't be remotely worthwhile." Wilson explained.

"Belief me, I care about Victoria as little as you do. My real interest is in her son." Said Priest.

"Her son? What's so special about her son?" Asked Wilson.

"Nothing that we have know of." Priest smirked. Wilson raised her eyebrow. Finally, something she could get mildly invested in.

"Go on." She prompted.

"I have a theory, a personal hunch if you will, about the genetic nature of holistic powers." Said Priest.

"And?" Wilson scowled.

"If we could get hold of this child while he's still young and...stupid, and my theory is correct, we could completely rebuild Blackwing with the a whole new generation without any of the rebel instincts of projects brought in as pre-teens." He explained. For the first time Wilson saw him become genuinely enthusiastic. It was slightly unsettling, like a demonic salesman, like the devil promoting his deals. Luckily for Wilson she had no soul to sell. She had her steel logic and her mechanical system. Priest's shiny new clogs didn't fit into it at all.

"You want to bring this child in...on a whim?" She asked.

"Yes, mam." Priest nodded. "Consider it a trail run. If we're wrong no harm done." A questionable statement even in Wilson's eyes but that wasn't what concerned her. What concerned her was something that Mr Priest presumed she would never realise.

"Supervisor Adams isn't aware of this meeting is he?" Asked Wilson.

"What makes you say that?" Asked Priest.

"Because belief or not I talk to Adams, often, and I know about his personal no new projects rule. Do you really expect me to belief he'd be okay with kidnapping a young child, a possible 'half holistic' if you like, on the off chance he might have powers?" She questioned.

"You know about that little problem of his?" Priest smiled through gritted teeth.

"It's not ideal." Wilson sighed. "But Adams has done in two months what Riggens couldn't do in sixteen years. He made Blackwing run smoothly."

"Perhaps that's got something to do with only having one project." Priest suggested.

"One project, one hundred projects. I don't care. It works." She told him.

"Is there anything I can do to make you change your mind?" Asked Priest.

"Bring me Adams. Then we'll talk."

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