20: The Box

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There was more to do of course. It was nearly impossible, not to mention highly unethical, to watch a family implode and not clear up the rubble. Still, Svald was pretty sure 'more' could be done later. 'More' could be done from a distance and over a long, manageable length of time. After all, 'more' required phone calls, passports, tickets, and accommodation. Amanda had to be prepared, Victoria and her family had to be prepared, the many strange people that often crashed into holistic people's lives all had to be prepared. Very little could be done in a 24 hour period. So Svald opted to reset the scene, send everyone back to their safe harbours until the storm calmed, then he would start planning for his client's rocky future.

"The buses have stopped for the night so we can't get our passports yet. Presuming the police haven't taken them." Said Todd. He stood in the doorway of Svald's living room, his shadow thrown against the back wall by a warm orange light. Svald was once more in his comfortable armchair with his crossword and Dirk had at last learned how to use the sofa correctly.

"I don't want the two of you wandering around the city in the dark anyway. I'll drive you over tomorrow morning and scope out the area for police. Good assistants like you don't deserve to go to jail." Svald told them.

"Assistants?" Dirk jerked forward with a mighty scowl on his face. Todd however didn't mind, he barely even noticed. He'd been the assistant since he met Dirk and had very quickly grown happy with it. He was comfortable that way.

"That being said I'm an early riser and I believe flights to America to be long so I'd get some sleep if I was you." Svald sighed. He'd have to solve the crossword alone but it was a sacrifice he was willing to make.

"Goodnight, Svald." Dirk and Todd said in unison as they headed to the stairs.

"Night boys." Svald replied quietly.

Todd got all the way to the bedroom before realising Dirk had stopped following him. He was staring into Svald's ice cold room again, almost hypnotised. He looked down the stairs to check that nobody was coming. Then without a word he stepped into the darkness.

"Dirk, what are you doing?" Todd whispered. He poked his head into the room and instantly felt his breath knocked out of him by the freezing air.

"I'm looking for something. Keep watch for me." Dirk whispered back.

"Looking for what?" Asked Todd.

"I'm...not really sure." Dirk admitted. Still he knew the universe wanted him to take something from the room and that he'd know it when he saw it. He checked under the bed and dug through draws, all while Todd waited nervously outside.

Finally, the pull in Dirk's chest became crystal clear. It was like a shining silver string that only he could see. It led him to a little brown cabinet. There was a keyhole but either Svald had forgotten to lock it or never bothered because it opened for him just fine. Inside was very little: a few shirts, some aftershave bottles, and a wooden box carefully engraved with leafs. Dirk carefully removed it from the cabinet and opened it with ease.

Inside the box was an assortment of objects, all of which filled Dirk with questions. One, a golden ring, scratched and once worn but since abandoned. Another, a lock of hair and a tiny milk tooth. The thing that caught Dirk's eye the most was a single, faded photograph. It was folded in the middle and tattered at the edges. While he wasn't entirely sure he was confident it was a picture of a person he had once known.

"Dirk, he's coming." Todd whispered. Dirk looked back at the door. He couldn't hear anything yet but he wasn't going to risk it. He shoved the photograph into his pocket and slammed the lid of the box shut before carefully placing it back in the cupboard. He pushed the cabinet door shut and slipped back onto the landing as Svald reached the top of the stairs.

"You two still awake?" Asked Svald.

"Well...we only came up here like...three minutes ago." Todd reminded him.

"And you thought you'd just mill about on the landing did you?" Svald scowled.

"As good as place as any to chat." Todd justified.

"Hmm...are you alright, Dirk? You look like you've seen a ghost." And he did. Dirk hadn't realised it yet but his face had turned as white as a sheet.

"I'm fine. I think sleep deprivation is catching up with me." Said Dirk.

"Then you should probably stop talking and go to bed." Said Svald. "You were just talking weren't you, Dirk?"

"Of course. Goodnight, Svald." Mumbled Dirk before shuffling off to his room.

"Goodnight, Dirk." Replied Svald, his voice barely raising above a whisper.

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