43: Abandoning the Case

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"How could you have lost them?" Yelled Robert. The group watched helplessly as he and Svald argued in the middle of the road. Mona seriously considered speeding off into the sunset and bailing on the whole operation. Unfortunately, the universe wouldn't allow it. She growled her engine, trying to get their attention so that they could complete their mission, but to no avail.

"We didn't lose them. We know exactly where they are. Well, where they were I suppose, could have wandered off since then." Defended Svald.

"You left my son, a helpless child, and my wife alone to defend themselves against a government agency."

"Yes, essentially." Svald nodded.

"Why?" Robert snapped.

"Because it felt like a good idea and I've found that when I get a feeling it's best to act on it. Things often work out better that way." Svald scowled.

"You abandoned my family on a hunch?"

"I make all my decisions on hunches. It's the way of the universe and it works."

"I don't sound like that do I? Asked Dirk as the remainder of the group sat on the grass verge.

"Sometimes." Todd nodded.

"You were supposed to be helping us. We paid you to help us. Over a hundred pounds for you to make things go back to normal."

"Is a hundred pounds all he quoted you?" Asked Todd.

"I'd let your wife check your next bank statement I was you." Said Richard.

"Now listen to me, Mr Wilson. Whether I solve the case or it goes cold, which I assure you it won't, your life will never go back to normal. You can make it safer by destroying your child's enemies or you can try and make your way back to England and live the rest of your life on the run."

"I know a fake passports guy who could get you back." Bart piped up in a half assed attempt to be helpful.

"The choice is yours, Mr Wilson."

"You already solved the case. Todd explained it to me. We asked you to find out who or what was taking our stuff and you did. Your work here is over, we don't need you anymore." Robert replied coldly.

"Solving the case isn't the same as solving the problem. You need us now more than ever." Svald growled.

"No, the man I met said Dirk and Todd would be the ones to destroy Blackwing. I need them, not you. I...I want you to go. Just leave me and my family alone. We'll fix this alone or with the others but not you." Svald went silent. The rejection wasn't the problem, few men his age had gone their entire lives without experience it. The problem was that he didn't know what do next, not consciously or subconsciously. There was no thought and no feeling, no guide to tell him where he should stay or go. He had a decision to make, a real one, one that was entirely his own, and he couldn't help but feel that the universe had failed to train him for such a matter.

"Robert please just..." Stay or go? Those were the only two options. Theoretically he could flip a coin and let the fates do what they always did but he felt that the universe didn't what that. He didn't know what it wanted. He had no concrete evidence that it needed or even wanted him to stay. What would he do against an army anyway? He wasn't as strong and war ready as he used to be. All he did was drudge up old memories and anger Robert. Perhaps he was right. He'd got his money, why bother risking his life by staying. "Fine."

"Svald? You can't go. You can't just up sticks and leave." Said Richard.

"I can. Watch, I'm doing it right now."

"We won't let you." Said Dirk.

"You said something similar when you were a toddler. Well, you tried to at least. Believe me, it's best for all parties if go." Svald told him.

"Perhaps he's right. Group harmony is important and sometimes walking away from people is the only way to help them." Decided Farah.

"Precisely, I can tell that you're the sensible one."

"Where will go?" Asked Todd.

"Do you need the name of my fake passports guy?" Asked Bart.

"No, no dear that's quite all right. I'm sure I'll figure something else. I am, after all, very good at setting up new lives with limited resources." Svald reassured. "Good luck with Blackwing. I can only hope that whatever crazy messed up plans the universe has in place for you all work out okay. Oh and Dirk."

"Yes?" Replied Dirk.

"I know this is going to sound rich coming from a man whose wiping the slate clean for the third time but what you have here; your friends, your agency, this rather aggressive ice cream van, it's a very good thing. A rare and magical thing. Don't make the same mistakes I did, Dirk. When you face Blackwing again, don't run away."

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