54: Blackwing Falls

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"Svald, how did you get here?" Todd exclaimed. It was hard for him to contain his excitement. Todd had pinned Svald as a sarcastic bark zero bite kind of guy. Perhaps under normal, non-universe ending circumstances he'd be right. However, these weren't normal circumstances. Svald's bite was wild and raw as he stood where Priest had been, clutching a battered, clearly second hand baseball bat.

"I bought a ride. I think you'll like it." Svald smiled.

"Really? You bought a car?" Richard asked doubtfully. Presuming that Svald had the good sense to pick up his wallet when fleeing the house (and he hadn't lost it at any point recently) Richard highly doubted he had enough money to purchase anything resembling a functioning vehicle. Most weeks he barely made enough to pay rent.

"Alright, I stole a car. By the way the police might be after us."

"You'll get used to that, kiddo." Groaned Priest, despite the fact he and Svald were around the same age.

"I am used to it." He scowled as he towered over Priest.

"Do I know you?" He asked, his eyes squinted, his vision blurred. He looked a lot less threatening on the floor.

"Yes. I believe you do." Svald nodded firmly as he raised the bat and brought it down on Priest's head. It wasn't enough to do any long lasting, serious damage, at least he hoped not,  but it was enough to knock him out cold. "Now, what about him?" He asked, signalling towards Ken.

"Now, let's just stay calm and think about this." Said Ken. He backed up slowly, his hands firmly in front of him in a futile attempt to protect himself. There was very little he could do bar diving into one of the offices. That wouldn't keep him save, all it would do is buy them a few seconds. All he would do was hope Svald would be kinder to him than he had been to Priest.

"It's alright guys. I've got this." Said Bart as she brushed the group aside and started walking calmly towards him.

"Oh Bart, thank God. Let's just go and leave all this behind - woah, woah." His relief turned to dread as Bart snatched the gun from Priest's unconscious body and armed the loaded weapon directly at Ken's head.

"You can run if you like but...it's probably just going to make you tired before you die." She shrugged.

"Now, Bart, you don't want to do this." He said as calmly as possible under the circumstances. His voice shook like a leaf. She wouldn't miss, it didn't matter what he did. He could find someway to run as fast as lightening, he could do a flip or climb through the vents, it wouldn't make a difference. She wouldn't miss.

"You're right. I don't." But that clearly wasn't going to stop her. Her stance and tone didn't chance one bit.

"Are we just going to let this happen?" Asked Robert.

"It does certainly look that way, yes." Replied Svald.

"You can't be serious." Said Richard.

"It's a universe thing. We have no choice." Said Mona.

"I disagree. I disagree heavily." Ken frantically interjected.

"Universe thing?" Asked Robert.

"Holistic assassin." Answered Farah.


"Just...run or something." Said Bart. Ken noticed something that Bart had never done before. She was shaking. Her usually firm hands trembled as she grasped the gun as tight as she possibly could.

"You just said not to do that." Ken laughed nervously.

"I know what I said, Ken, just...go. Just do what I say." She shouted. Ken couldn't help but wonder what the consequences would be if he didn't do as he was told.

"Okay you know what, this is a universe thing right? Nothing I say or do is going to change that so just...just do it. Just get it over with." Decided Ken. His actions wouldn't have made a lick of difference, he may as well go out at least pretending to be brave. He screwed his eyes up tight in order to appease the small, scared child in his mind who thought it would help. He knew it wouldn't. All he could do was wait. He waited for what felt like forever. Time dragged its feet as he waited for the world to come crashing down on top of him. Yet it didn't. The world kept turning and his heart kept beating and finally, finally came the words that saved his life.

"I can't." Bart admitted as she lowered her gun.

"Oh thank God because wasn't committed to that at all." Ken gasped as his eyes opened and the tension melted out of his body.

"Look, Bart, I don't want to kill anyone either." Said Todd.

"Are you sure? Because I don't even know this guy and I want him dead." Richard butted in.

"Agreed." Svald and Robert said in unison.

"But we have a mission remember? You're an assassin and he's the man behind Blackwing. Kinda makes sense you know?" Todd softly reminded her.

"I know what I am and I know what we're here to do." Bart snapped. "But I'm a holistic assassin and I kill who the universe wants me to. The universe isn't telling me to kill Ken. The universe was never telling me to kill Ken. It was telling me to kill Blackwing. Ken isn't Blackwing, he's just part of it, just everyone else." She explained.

"Well, how are we supposed to kill Blackwing?" Asked Mona.

"We're not. He is." Bart asserted, firmly pointing her finger at Ken.

"Me?" Ken asked nervously.

"Give me your phone." Bart demanded as she spun around to face Todd. He quickly took the starched mobile and handed it over as fast as he could. Without a 'thank you' she stormed over to Ken and reached it out in front of him. "Phone Wilson, arrange a meeting, shut it down."

"And if I don't?" Ken noted as Bart moved for her gun again and instantly made up his mind. "Okay, okay just...answer me this question. If I do this will you forgive me?"

"No, but you'll live at least." Ken nodded at this response and took the phone silently. A phone call for his life. It wasn't a bad deal.

"Hello, Wilson? Yes I understand you're busy but I need to talk to you urgently. Yes it is about Blackwing."

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