46: Roll In

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The cold was already seeping in when Dirk's agency, still proudly riding their cramped, colourful ice cream van, pulled up several meters away from Blackwing's main facility. Nobody saw any difference, nobody apart from Bart. She was the only project to see the outside in over fifteen years and she could tell from the off set that things just weren't right. For a start the floodlights were glaring. Normally the outside of Blackwing was dark, hidden deep in shadows. Their paranoia about being unearthed by the general public had been keeping their electric bills down for decades. Now the area was bright for miles, as if they were expecting something. Secondly, there were considerably more armed guards around, at least more than the usual average of one. She tried to keep count but they continuously dipped in and out of the blinding brightness. She got as far as five before losing track.

"Well, now what?' Asked Richard.

"We get em." Replied Bart, her eyes not breaking away from the window for even a second.

"I got that far. I want to know how." He scowled.

"Don't know, universe will fix it." She shrugged.

"That's not how the universe works." Mumbled Dirk.

"I've got a knife and so does Bart. Theoretically we could get whatever third weapon we want out of Mona." Farah thought aloud. Mona had very few ways to indicate her agreement with out beeping her horn or flashing her headlights and doing so would be a huge risk. The fact they hadn't been caught already was a miracle. She let the engine admit a low growl. It was hard to know whether they understood or not, she just had to hope.

"I'm not sure how far we'd get with that. Didn't Friedkin give you anything?" Farah asked.

"No, nothing. Just destroy Blackwing and then on our way." Explained Todd.

"Well several hours of quiet boredom and then on our way." Added Robert.

"So we're blind then?" Said Richard.

"I can see just fine." Commented Bart.

"That's not...never mind." He sighed.

"Well I suppose we're just going to have to take a deep breath and run in head first." Said Farah.

"Just like the good old days." Smiled Dirk.

"They weren't good." Mumbled Bart. "They were just days."

"Head first it is then. For the old days." Said Todd.

"For the old days." Nodded Dirk and Bart.

"Take us in, Mona." Commanded Farah and with a great engine roar the wheels began to gently roll towards the mouth of Hell.

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