32: Run Away

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The speed limit seemed to disappear on the British roads as Svald weaved in and out of traffic like a mad man. Something had clearly spooked him though Dirk and Victoria, having not seen the soldiers for more than a few split seconds, were unable to connect his fear to their own. As far as they were concerned he was having some sort of psychotic episode. At least he was working with his own sense of direction for once. The universe had no say in the matter, in fact it was being actively ignored.

They swerved into the nearest parking spot they could find at Heathrow airport, nearly crashing into the curb in the process. Svald shunned the parking meter as he ushered his client, his temporary assistant, and one of his few friends out of the car. Nobody appeared to be chasing them. The police didn't even seem concerned about the broken window let alone the stolen car. That didn't seem to calm Svald one bit as they charged through the entrance and towards the check in line.

"Svald that the Hell is going on?" Asked Richard.

"We're leaving...right now." He informed them.

"But we-"

"There's no time for this. Excuse me. Pardon me." Svald pushed through the queue, ignoring the protests of the travellers and holiday makers as he brushed them aside. The group shrugged and followed. It wasn't like they had much choice. They had no money and Svald had taken the keys.

"Um Sir, you can't-" The check in lady started.

"I know, the queue, consider today as the one and only exception." Svald told her.


"Listen, we need to be on the next flight to Romania. I don't have my wallet on me but I can send you the money when we get there. Now to save some time in security I'll do the checks for you. We have no luggage, no carry on, no sharp objects, no liquids, and, even though customs is on the other end, nothing to declare. None of our party have passports is that going to be a problem?"

"Oh...I'm sorry, Sir, we can't let you fly without the correct documentation." She informed him.

"Alright fine." He grumbled. "I know someone here. Her name is Miss Pearce, a Miss Janice Pearce. Is there any chance I could speak with her?" He asked.

"She'll tell you the same, Sir." She said politely.

"Please, it's urgent. It's about..." He looked back at the group, all silent. They didn't exactly know what Svald's plan was but they didn't want to be the ones to bring it down. "It's about the child."

The check in lady looked at Albert who was slowly but surely falling asleep in his mother's arms. The hustle and bustle was keeping him awake. Everytime his eyes closed and his head dropped someone nearby would move move and he'd be alert again, at least for a moment. He didn't seem overly distressed but she was no mind reader. That wasn't her 'thing', she wasn't blessed with a 'thing'.

"I'll see what I can do." She nodded, moving away from her position.

"Thanks a lot, jackass. Now we're going to be stuck here forever." Grumbled the man behind them.

"Why not just holiday in the airport? You have everything you need. Shops, annoying strangers...indoor trees. What more could a man such as yourself want?" Svald grinned. The man sighed as Richard mouthed 'sorry' to him. Protest wasn't going to bring the check in lady back. He may as well get comfortable camping in the meantime.

After a few minutes a woman with long, silky brown hair approached the line. She was followed by the check in lady who was supposed to be leading the way. The woman walked with determination towards the group, failing to stop at the desk. She started talking before she even reached them. Clearly, she was well versed in these unplanned interactions.

"Dirk, what's going on? I try to sit down for a five minute break and Jennifer comes running up to me ranting about some at risk toddler." Said the woman.

"It's Svald now to save confusion." Svald told her as he carefully steered  her away from the busy line and towards the desk by her shoulders.

"What? I thought you hated that name." The woman whispered.

"I do, with a passion." Svald whispered back. "Listen, Janice, I need you to do me a massive favour.".

"What's in it for me?" She asked.

"You'll probably never have to see me again." He told her.

"Alright, what do you need?" She replied firmly.

"I need you to put all five of us on the next flight out of the country. We'd prefer to go to Romania but we're not picky." He explained.

"Yeah I'm afraid that's not happening."

"Is this because of the no passport thing?" Asked Svald.

"No. It's because you're on Interpols no flight list." She crossed her arms and turned the computer screen. Just as she said their names crossed the screens, Dirk and Todd now on the most wanted list for the second time that year. How on Earth had he managed to do something so stupid that he couldn't even leave the country?

"What? Even the kid?" He scowled.

"Drat. I'll have to find another way to keep Blackwing away from them. Thanks for trying, Janice." He sighed. He tried to walk away but was immediately pulled back by the arm. She pulled him back behind the desk.

"You can't go out front. We have police out there. There's a back way. Jennifer will show you won't you, Jennifer?"

"I-" Protested Jennifer.

"Won't you, Jennifer?" She snapped.

"Sure." She nodded nervously.

"Take my car. Just try not to crash it." She dropped the keys in his hand and quickly shoved him towards the back exit. Jennifer marched them out towards Janice's car. Svald's sense of direction was gone but he still refused to listen to the universe's pleas. He wasn't going anywhere near those people and he certainly wasn't going to let anyone else near them. He'd just have to find another way.

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