44: Intel

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For a supposedly active squad the freshly assembled Blackwing army spent an awful lot of time sitting in one small car park. Ken sat on the burning hot tarmac flicking through every CCTV camera he could force his way into. He'd come along way since meeting Bart: from terrified hostage, to unlikely helper, to project, and finally supervisor, but at heart he was still a hacker. The old ways were still as effective as ever, even if his superiors didn't necessarily approve.

"Finally, I've got something." Ken smiled.

"Me too." Said Mr Priest, finally reappearing after being mysteriously absent for several hours. He had an annoying and often nerve wracking tendency and returning with bad news (though whether he viewed it as such was a gamble). The whole idea of him finding anything at all sent Ken's blood pressure through the roof.

"You first." Ken grumbled.

"Our British branch are in retreat. There seems to be a high level of distress or disorganisation now that they've lost half of their unit."

"Half of the British branch is dead?" Ken exclaimed.

"No, no I mean we quite literally lost them. They've disappeared, we don't know where they are." Priest corrected.

"Well that's just great. At least I've got some good news. Through the power of CCTV tracking I think I know where our runaway agency is going."

"Go on." Prompted Priest.


"Excuse me?"

"They're hiding back towards our main Blackwing facility." Ken elaborated.

"But that's a top secret facility. You can't find that shit on Google Earth. How did they even..." Of course, it made perfect sense. Project Marzanna  was the only one who could have possibly known where the new facility was and she was running loose without any form of blind folding. Mr Priest wasn't sure whether he really believed in all the greater connection to universe nonsense Blackwing ran on, he just showed up for the pay check, now more than ever since all the fun dried up, but if it was real he was sure the universe was taking him for a ride.

"Bart sure does cause a lot of trouble." Sighed Ken.

"I know. I knew her back when she barely came up to my waste and believe me when I say she's got better. She was trouble then and she's trouble now." Said Priest.

"Well we're just going to have to come up with a way to deal with her aren't we? Gather the team. We roll out immediately." Ordered Ken. He slammed the laptop lid down and rose to his feet, tugging the device under his arm.

"They're not going to like wasting all day here and then going straight back." Priest pointed out.

"Do you care?" Asked Ken.

"Not at all, sir." He smiled.

The Curious Case of the Two Dirk Gentlysحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن